thank you - siyeon x sua

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Bora was the only out gay girl at her school. It wasn't the worst thing in the world, people didn't say anything nasty to her or push her up against lockers. She had friends, she wasn't a loner or anything.

But at the same time, it felt isolating and depressing. Sometimes, in her own head, she felt like a freak. Like a predator that people should be scared of. She was terrified of saying the wrong thing and making someone uncomfortable. It didn't help that she was a naturally touchy person, wanting to hug her friends and playfully flirt because that was just the kind of personality she has. Bora couldn't do that because she didn't want people to be right about her, that she was a creep or something. Bora actively avoided catching feelings for anyone.

But of course, of course, that wasn't how her brain worked. The girls at her school were pretty, and Bora couldn't help but feel a nervous feeling in her chest when they talked to her. Kim Minji, that was the girl Bora had had her eye on for a while.

The thing was, Bora never did anything about that crush. She never tried to talk to Mini, never tried to hang out with her, even avoided looking at her. She wasn't delusional.

Then something changed. Minji started saying hi to her in the hallway, started sitting next to her in class, started making small talk and sharing notes. She played with Bora's hair, grabbed her arm and laughed, Bora laughing along with her because that laugh was contagious.

Bora only fell for her more. How could she not? Minji was the prettiest girl in school, and Bora had her attention? Bora was the one to make her laugh?

"You're so funny," Minji giggled, resting her head on Bora's shoulder.

"T-thanks," Bora blushed.

They were sitting in class, right next to each other as they did their work. It was technically a free time, when they were supposed to be getting their work done but most people weren't really working. Minji had chosen to sit in the front of the class with Bora instead of at the back with her friends. Bora couldn't help but smile when she saw Minji waiting for her when she first walked into the classroom.

"Hey Bora," Minji looked at her expectantly.


"Do you like me?" Minji asked with a big smile. "Like, would you take me out on a date?"

"A date?" Bora repeated quieter.

"Yeah. Girlfriends?"

Bora's heart exploded, and all the emotion she had been holding back in fear of retribution came flooding back. "Yes! Yes I will," She grinned.

And then it hit her.

Minji's friends were laughing their heads off in the back of the room. Bora saw one of them holding a camera, and they were giggling like it was the funniest thing in the world.


Minji herself was laughing so hard tears were coming out of her eyes, but it wasn't that happy kind of laughter. It was mean. Minji was laughing at her.

"You think," Minji snorted. "That I'd actually like you?"

"You..." Bora's voice broke. "Were joking?"

"Duh, I'm not a pervert," Minji rolled her eyes. "That's all it took to get you to like me, a few laughs and smiles? How sad,"

Bora's throat hurt and she blinked away tears. "I don't..."

"Wow, you win the bet, I thought it would take way more than that to win her over," Minji's friend came up next to them and handed Minji 10,000 won.

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