bad idea - yves x kimlip

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The bell dinged loudly as Jungeun opened the door, causing the blonde to jump in surprise and blush even if there was no one to see. She was so on edge she swore she was going to pass out. Her body itched to run back out through the door, to sprint home and pretend this never happened, but that would almost be more embarrassing now because the girl behind the counter had seen Jungeun. She nodded casually, barely looking up from her phone.

Truth be told, Jungeun had never been inside an establishment like this. That was the thing about having super strict parents, Jungeun was left to figure out adult stuff on her own, with no help and no advice.

Which is why she was standing in the entryway of what was, in essence, a sex shop. Her eyes were wide as she took in the sight of the shelves, her brain trying to remind her not to look but then more consciously reminding her that she could look. She was allowed, she was an adult.

But even at 21, Jungeun still felt like a child as she sheepishly walked up to the counter. The brunnette looked up as she approached, eyes not moving from Jungeun's even when Jungeun blushed. Jungeun had to look away, and she noticed a small name tag on the girl's shirt. Sooyoung.

"Um, where is the lingerie?" She asked, her voice sounding more uncertain than she'd like. She knew it was obvious she had never been in a place like this, but that didn't mean she appreciated the look-over that the employee gave her.

"To your right, near the back," She pointed over her shoulder, and Jungeun nodded, trying to reassure herself by taking a deep breath.

"Thanks," Jungeun said quietly, blushing when the girl looked up at her in judgmental confusion. She awkwardly stepped away, making her way towards the back of the store. Every way she looked gave her a reason to blush, and Jungeun swore her heart was about to give out.

"Did you get lost?"

Jungeun jumped as she felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see the brunette from a few moments ago staring down at her.


"This is the wrong section," The girl said with a chuckle. "Girl on girl?"

Jungeun squeaked in embarrassment. "No, no that's not what I came here for,"

The girl ran a hand through her hair. "Need any help?" She asked casually, eyes flitting over Jungeun again. "You look really lost,"

"I am..." Jungeun admitted. "This was a bad idea, I'm sorry for wasting your time,"

"No don't say that," The brunette smiled. "You're the first customer of the day, and Candy Crush can only last me so long,"

Jungeun let out a slightly relieved breath. "To be honest, I don't know what I'm looking for,"

Sooyoung quirked her brow and laughed. "This isn't exactly a place you come into just for kicks,"

Jungeun blushed and looked down. "It was a spur of the moment thing,"

The girl's eyes flashed with understanding and she smiled almost smugly. "Let me guess; strict parents with no room to act out, so sexually confused girl acts out in adulthood?"

Jungeun would've been offended at this woman's blatant words and her tone, but she was actually right. It was almost scary how much she could read into Jungeun.

"No judgment sweetheart, that's what I'm here for," The brunette smiled cheekily.

"O-okay," Jungeun replied nervously. "So..."

"So, you have a boyfriend, I'm guessing?" The girl asked with a raised brow.

"Well, had, we broke up a couple weeks ago. I decided I needed to start doing my own thing. I've known him since high school, and honestly I'd rather just move on from that point in my life. Try something new,"

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