who are you - haseul x vivi

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The harsh light shown through the thin curtains of the room, making Vivi to squint in annoyance.

Her back hurt from her sleeping position. Her head had been resting on Haseul's chest, while the rest of her was seated in the uncomfortable hospital chair.

She looked up at Haseul's face, smiling to herself. Her girlfriend looked so peaceful, and it made Vivi relaxed.

"Miss Wong?" Asked a quiet voice from the doorway.

Vivi tensed on instinct. She hated hearing that pitying tone.

"You fell asleep overnight again," The woman said, coming to stand by the Chinese girl.

Vivi sighed. "I did, I'm sorry, Mrs. Bae," She grabbed Haseul's hand and rubbed it with the pad of her thumb. She kept her eyes focused on the sleeping girl.

"It's okay, I can't blame you," Mrs. Bae put a hand on Vivi's shoulder.

"Is she any better?" Vivi asked, the same question she asked everyday.

"Well, she's not worse," Mrs. Bae inspecting Haseul's files carefully. "That's something, at least,"

Vivi nodded mutely. It was good that she wasn't worse, but Vivi desperately wanted her to get better.

If Vivi told it to herself enough, she could pretend that Haseul was just sleeping, going to wake up soon, perfectly fine.

Please wake up. Vivi pleaded silently.

"Vivi," Mrs. Bae murmured. "Why don't you go out for the day? Take some time for yourself,"

Vivi shook her head immediately. "I'm not leaving her. Not until she wakes up," Both her hands gripped her girlfriend's arm.

"If I'm honest, I don't think she'll be waking up within the next week. It really wouldn't hurt for you to get some fresh air," Mrs. Bae, replied gently. She began checking all of Haseul's fluids.

"But I promised her I wouldn't leave her," Vivi whispered. "I want to be here when she wakes up, and she will wake up,"

The doctor smiled sadly. "Of course she will,"


Weeks passed, and Haseul's state remained unchanged. But Vivi didn't lose hope, she knew Haseul was strong.

She went the hospital everyday, bringing flowers and chocolates that never got eaten. It didn't stop her from bringing them. Everyday there was a chance that Haseul would be awake and smiling, and Vivi could run into her arms again.

I miss you so much, Haseul.

She had taken time off of work, so she was able to spend time at the hospital. She didn't like to bother the nurses, but she couldn't help it, and they didn't seem to mind.

"That's the girl who visits here everyday. Her girlfriend's in a coma,"

Vivi would wince when she heard them talking about her.

It felt like half of her world had been ripped right out of her hands. Haseul was her home, the love of her life. They days without her had felt dark and gloomy, without purpose.

You can't die, or I'll die too.

And as the days turned into weeks and into months, Vivi's world grew into a colorless haze of despair. What was anything, without Haseul? What was the point?

Sometimes she couldn't stop herself from letting dark thoughts consume her. What if she's brain dead? What if she never wakes up? How much longer till I can finally see the light in her eyes again? Or will that day never come?

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