dear diary - yeojin x choerry

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It wasn't an obsession.

Yeojin preferred to call it an infatuation. Not that it mattered, Yerim deserved someone to obsess over her. She was just that great. Yeojin didn't know what it was about her, her smile that made Yeojin's heart flutter. The way she flipped her hair as she walked by, making Yeojin internally scream.

"Can you stop being a hopeless gay for a second, you're supposed to be helping me with this,"

"Yeah yeah," Yeojin waved off Hyejoo. "Give me a minute,"

"To what? Ogle?" Hyejoo grumbled. She turned to their third friend, tugging at her sleeve. "Chae, I don't know how to do this,"

"Me neither bro," Chaewon sighed, not noticing Hyejoo's affectionate pout.

The three girls were sat down in the cafeteria, textbooks open and trying (read:failing) to study. Yeojin had spaced out long ago, and Chaewon was too focused on the food to care.

"Just look at her," Yeojin muttered to herself. "I might genuinely die,"

"So will I, if we have to keep having the same conversation," Chaewon groaned. "Go up and talk to her,"

"I can't!" Yeojin whined. "What am I supposed to say? "Hey, it's the girl that is too gay to function and has a huge crush on you","

Hyejoo shrugged. "That's a start. Or maybe you could read us a paragraph from your diary, talking about how much you love her,"

Yeojin narrowed her eyes at the dark haired girl.

"Oh, Yerim, your skin is the color of milk and your hair is like silk-"

"Shut up,"

"The heavens weep when you smile and the-"

"OK I GET IT," Yeojin huffed at her friend, hanging her head. She patted said diary subconsciously, making sure it was secure where she had left it. "You're lucky I don't expose you big fat crush on-"

Hyejoo's eyes widened and she shook her head.

"On who?" Chaewon asked innocently.

", Jinsoul," Yeojin smiled sheepishly.

"Oh, right, Jinsoul. My crush. Who I like," Hyejoo smiled awkwardly.

"You like Jinsoul?" Chaewon looked dejected. "She's not even that pretty..."

"Anyways, it's totally never gonna happen, so you can leave me alone to fan girl over her now,"

Hyejoo rolled her eyes as Yeojin turned back around in her seat. The lunch room was big, but Yeojin could still see her favorite brunette sitting at a nearby table, peacefully drinking a strawberry milk. Around her, her friends were engaged in loud conversations, arguing about something Yeojin couldn't hear.

Suddenly, Yerim turned in Yeojin's direction and the two locked eyes, Yeojin in too much shock to look away. Before she could even process what was happening, Yerim smiled at her and looked away, to begin saying something to her friends.

"Oh, my, god. Did you see that?" Yeojin squeaked.

"She looked at you, wow," Hyejoo exclaimed flatly, narrowing her eyes. "It's true love,"

"Can't you see they were meant to be?" Chaewon said sarcastically. "They looked at each other, they're basically dating,"

Yeojin tried to hide her flushed cheeks as her older friends snickered over her antics, hoping Yerim and her friends wouldn't hear.

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