rosy - gowon x oliviahye

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request: @chewwygum66

Hyeju felt like her life was floating by so fast.

She could still remember clearly sitting on the swings after school in the first grade, her hands sticky from the popsicle she had eaten earlier. She remembered that feeling of unadulterated happiness. No worries, no cares, just being content right where she was.

Now Hyeju had a thousand worries weighing her down. What happens if I fall the next test? What happens if I don't graduate? How do I make people like me? What happens if I wear something stupid and everyone thinks I'm a loser?

Her hands weren't sticky from popsicles this time, now they're more clammy. That always happened when Chaewon held her hand, for some reason. She never really thought about why. Chaewon made her nervous. But she didn't hate this kind of nervous.

"You don't have to keep walking me home," Hyeju told her when it felt to quiet. The two of them were walking side by side down the street. They made an odd pair, Chaewon in a flowery pink skirt and white blouse while Hyeju had on a black band t-shirt and ripped jeans. No one would guess that the reason they became friends was because Chaewon stood up to some of Hyejoo's bullies in the 4th grade. No 4th grader was willing to test the wrath of a 5th grader, even if the 5th grader in question looked like she came out a catalog for fairy outfits.

"It's tradition," Chaewon shrugged. "It's bad luck to break tradition,"

"Yeah but I know seniors have got like, tons more homework that juniors," Hyeju tried to reason.

"Excuses excuses. I'm walking you home. I gotta make sure no scary bullies follow you to beat you up," She nudged the taller girl with a smile.

"Mhm, I hardly think I'm the target between the two of us," Hyeju smiled back.

Chaewon gasped and slapped her arm. "Hey!" Her smile revealed she wasn't truly upset, so Hyeju just grinned.

All too soon for Hyeju's liking, they were standing outside her front steps. She would've waved a careless goodbye to her best friend and headed inside to get a head start on homework, but Chaewon squeezed her hand and Hyeju looked back at her in surprise.

"What? Getting sentimental now?" Hyeju joked, her heart dropping to her stomach when Chaewon did in fact look a little solemn.

"It's the last first day I'll have with you," Chaewon mumbled. "I wish things didn't have to change,"

Hyeju grimaced. She wasn't good with emotions, even if she felt the same. "Well...we still have like 179 days to do this-"

"Hyeju, be serious," Chaewon said flatly.

"I am," Hyeju protested. "I don't know what you want us to do about it,"

Chaewon pouted her lips and sighed. "I don't want you to forget about me when I go off to college,"

"I won't," Hyeju could almost laugh at the prospect. "Promise,"

"I'll walk you home everyday," Chaewon said with conviction. "That way even if we don't see each other during class we can still spend time together,"

"That sounds nice," Hyeju told her honestly. "Don't know if I'll be able to hold you too that..."

Chaewon slapped her. "Have I ever lied to you?"

"I'm still convinced you cheat when we play Mario Kart,"

"That's because you suck!" Chaewon protested.

"No you!"

"No you!-" Chaewon sighed. "I'm talking to a wall, aren't I?"

"You mean lying to one," Hyeju grinned.

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