still in love - yves x kimlip

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request: @AhnYudaengzzz

"Who did this to you?" Sooyoung muttered to herself, Jungeun's body limp in her arms. Her veins were popping out on her arms as she held the younger close to her chest. God, she was furious, but also so so tired.

She trudged through the mud of another endless field, that had once been home to crops but now only had dead grass and puddles of dirty water occupying it. Above her, the sky was gray and dark, a constant twilight overhead. It had grown familiar over time, Sooyoung could almost find the routine surroundings familiar if she didn't know the danger of being out here. The proof was in her arms too, Jungeun's head rested on her shoulder and her forehead was sticky with sweat. She bounced against Sooyoung's body when Sooyoung had to jump over particularly rancid looking puddles or decomposing carcasses, and Sooyoung knew she'd have a killer pain in her neck when she woke up. She'd be alive though, which was what mattered.

Sooyoung winced as her eyes drifted down to the ugly red gash on the younger's upper leg. She had done her best to make tourniquet out of a part of her sleeve and she'd poured the rest of her water on the wound, hoping it would be enough to keep it clean. Wounds like these and blood in general wasn't something that alarmed her anymore, but finding Jungeun's body crumpled in between the roots of another dying tree with her gun and provisions gone, clearly left to die, was something that would haunt her for a while. Never in her life had she hesitated to deal with blood and injuries, but it felt like it hurt Sooyoung just as much to see Jungeun like this. Sooyoung hadn't waited a second more after she was finished dressing the wound to scoop Jungeun up and carry her bridal style towards safety.

It filled her with a sense of deja vu that made her throat hurt.

Sooyoung swore her legs were about to give out when she finally saw the train tracks in the distance, and spotted the old freight machine with a two dozen or so people surrounding it. They hadn't left without her. That would've been really dangerous, night out in the wild was almost a guaranteed death, between the environment and the things that might smell Jungeun's trail of blood.

Sweat was practically dripping off of Sooyoung's face and her uniform was probably ruined from her exertion, but she didn't care. They were going to be alright. Whatever had hurt Jungeun wouldn't be able to get her.

"Yo, Sooyoung what the fuck?" Guhyun's voice cut of her train of thought and she saw the man approaching with his rifle hanging at his side, a cigar in his mouth. "What happened?"

"Found her," Sooyoung grunted. "About ten miles east,"

"Here," Guhyun reached out to take Jungeun's body, but Sooyoung glared at him.

"She's not dead,"

Sooyoung had been checking every few minutes. Her pulse was weak but not gone, she had just passed out from blood loss. That was all it was. It had to be.

"You've been walking with an extra 100 pounds for 10 miles, at least let me load her onto the train," Guhyun reasoned, his confusion morphing into concern.

"No. I've got it," Sooyoung said fiercely.


"I said no!" Sooyoung yelled. "Don't fucking touch her!"

"You don't get to decide, she's not your girlfriend anymore," Guhyun pointed out, stepping in front of her. He was a good few inches taller than Sooyoung, but even on heavy legs Sooyoung pulled back when he tried to help her with Jungeun and took a few steps away.

"I carried her this far. I'm making sure she's alright,"

"Are you for real right now?-"

"Leave her be, Guhyun, she'll be fine," Dajeong's voice interrupted them. Their captain was shooting the pair a stern look, his eyes passing between Sooyoung and Guhyun with an unreadable emotion in his eyes. He himself was around Sooyoung's height, his hair in a buzzcut just like the first man. They looked similar too, their faces both hardened by the elements and their eyes cold and calculating.

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