Chapter One

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Play the song as you read

This story begins with a young girl and boy, Aurora and Edmund Lannister. Yet, they were no ordinary children, they were part of the royal family of the kingdom of Asterin.

At the age of ten and eleven, Princess Aurora and her brother, Prince Edmund were obsessed with magical creatures. Every free chance they had, the pair would run off into the nearby forest and play whatever magical game popped into their head first.

It would start after tutoring; the siblings would sit with their hands on their heads as Edmund could barely keep his eyes open half the time. Aurora would be the same, her mind slowly drifting as their teacher rambled on about how to act like a proper lady and gentleman during their etiquette classes.

"That's it for today." The woman smiled as the two jumped in joy.

"Thank Mrs Goldsworthy!" Edmund yelled, hastily tucking in his chair. He was only a year older than Aurora but always made sure he acted like it. He grabbed his younger sister's hand and dragged her out of the castle, making their way into the royal woods nearby.

"Where is it?" Edmund yelled in frustration as he searched the mud before him.

"Edmund! Save me from the evil pirates!" Aurora cackled as she failed to act scared.

"Aha!" Edmund chuckled as he found his wooden sword behind a tree. "I, Prince Edmund of Asterin hereby expel you from the lands!" Edmund taunted as he held out his sword in front of him, jabbing the air. "Release my sister and there will be no harm!"

"Edmund! He refuses!" Aurora yelled across the trees.

"Then you leave me no choice!" Edmund yelled at the imaginary pirates. He ran forwards and up a slope as he jumped, swatting his sword left, right and centre in mid-air. Aurora giggled as she ran toward her brother.

"Do you surrender?" Edmund questioned the woods as Aurora stood behind him. She began to talk but was interrupted by a slight rustle behind her, slowly turning around she examined the nearby bush. "Edmund." She whispered.

"Not now! I'm in the middle of bargaining." The Prince spoke.

"Edmund." She tugged on his clothes.

"What?" He sighed, finally turning her way.

"Do you hear that?" She halted.

"Hear what?" The pair looked towards the rustling bushes as Aurora hid behind her older brother, his eyes widening as he held out his wooden sword, shaking ever so slightly. "Is it pirates?" She questioned quietly.

The young Prince trembled but held his fort. "Show yourself!" Edmund demanded.

There was a moment of silence, the tension rising as they awaited the unknown. The bushes began to rustle once more, the hairs of the royalties rising.

A little blonde-haired boy with a dirty face emerged; he wore a brown shirt with brown trousers, covered in mud, and his hair was a complete mess too. He looked very scruffy against the royal pair. Aurora sighed at the sight, relief filling her senses.

"Didn't mean to scare you." He smiled shyly.

"I am not scared!" Edmund seethed. "Who are you? State your name!" Edmund ordered as he still had his sword out.

The newcomer quietly chuckled at the wooden object. "I don't think that sword is going to do much." He smiled as he looked to his feet.

"It's just pretending." Edmund shrugged as he put it down. "What's your name?"

"Arthur." He mumbled.

The Princess stood forward, holding out her hand. "Well, I'm Aurora and this is my brother Edmund."

"Older  brother." Edmund corrected as his sister rolled her eyes.

Arthur shook her hand as he smiled once more. "What is it that you're playing?"

"Pirates." Edmund shrugged as Arthur nodded in return. There was an awkward silence as the three stood looking at each other.

"Do you... want to play?" Aurora asked sweetly and Arthur grew a very big grin on his face.


The three spent the rest of the day chasing each other around, Edmund even broke a branch off for Arthur to use as a sword. Edmund told him that he would be knighted in the future and that only then would he get a wooden sword too. Before the three knew it, the sun began to fade, and the moon was on the rise.

"Edmund? Aurora?" The trio stopped playing as the two siblings heard their name being called from a servant afar.

"Do you have to go now?" Arthur questioned as they nodded their heads.

"We can play next time." Edmund smiled. "Nice to meet you." He said as he held out his hand. Arthur grinned before putting his hand in Edmund's.

"See you later!" Aurora yelled as they ran off into the distance, the Princess taking one last look at the lost boy in the woods before waving and disappearing completely.

Arthur smiled to himself, ruffling his hair as he reminisced the most fun he had endured for a while. Arthur was no ordinary boy either, although he was not royalty and he most certainly did not come from riches, he was the most extraordinary boy. Arthur was a bastard son, his father was a Priest who enjoyed one too many drinks one summer's night and found himself the next morning with an ale house whore. Too embarrassed of the actions he denied ever sleeping with her, allowing Arthur to be raised solo by his mother. Until Arthur's mother grew sick and died leaving him with nothing. Arthur learnt the ways to survive at such a young age, stealing and thieving to eat and live.

But one thing about this thief was that he had the most loyal mind, the most courageous soul and the most loving heart. He would live to be a legend. But it all starts somewhere.


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