Chapter Twenty Four

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On the outside, King Caspian's closest Knights had continued the bloody battle. The trio had led the army closer and closer to the castle, striking down any man in their path. It was true, Caspian knights were skilful, and the army had evened up the numbers a little more.

It was a gruesome day, with bodies drawn and quartered everywhere. The high scream and shrieks of men being severed to pieces. Thick, red blood had covered the men's faces making it incredible to tell who was who, the only sort of distinction were the uniforms, blue for Asterin, red for Caspian.

Sir Galahad fought with power, asserting his strength on his opponents. Sir George stood alongside him, the pair too knowledgeable of war to die. The duo were a few years older than the rest, a similar age to their King so this was not their first rodeo.

Galahad was currently fighting too many men to count, throwing his leg forward he kicked an opposing warrior in the stomach, screaming with adrenaline he pushed the warrior George's way, Sir George prodding his sword through him. Galahad let off a small smirk, George nodding his head in reply.

Sir George looked around at the brutal blood bath around him, he almost shuddered at the amount of death around him. It was as if everything had fallen in slow motion, people yelling in all sorts of directions. Help! Ah! The sounds of sword slicing and piercing. Spinning in a circle he looked for a friend he hadn't seen in a while.

His eyes fell on Sir William, who had been backed into a corner, fighting for his life. It was Sir William versus five knights. It was fair to say that Sir William had not been himself since the passing of his twin, he no longer had his wits, he fought with his head, not his heart. William was struggling to win this one as his arm was sliced he screamed out in pain.

Sir George looked back at Sir Galahad, he became infuriated as he pushed through the battle, making his way over to his companion. With his hefty body, he shouldered a few men that had circled William, colliding his sword into their backs. It was as if he was high off fighting, no one was to hurt his friends. Sir William slowly slid down the wall he had been backed onto, clutching his arm as blood trickled down it. Sir George was on fire, knocking out opponents left, right and centre.

George had created a path, running over to his injured friend as he offered him a hand. Sir William's eyesight became blurry, looked up at the man, tears in his eyes.

"Come on." George smiled, beginning to pull William up.

Until Sir William heard a sound he knew far too well, as he felt George's body jolt, opening up his eyes widely he noticed a silver metal poking through his friend's stomach. As the pair looked down, a warm, single tear made its way down George's cheek.

"George?" William mumbled, not wanting to believe what was happening. With every last strength George could muster, he hastily spun around, slashing the enemy's throat before finally giving up as he fell to his knees. Sir William began to shriek as he dashed to aid his friend.

"NO!" William had wept as he lifted George's head, clinging onto his body.

"It's okay." George weakly smiled. "I'm okay."

"You saved my life." William cried.

"I'd walk through hell for every single one of my friends." George expressed, wincing at the pain. William began to put pressure on the wound, not sure of what to do as he continued sobbing.

"Just... just hold on, we'll get help." William wept.

"No." George managed to muster. "Let me go... let me be with... Elizabeth." George grinned sweetly. William was lost for words, two people he called family... gone. He began to rock the pair back a forth, William looked around for Sir Galahad as they caught eye contact, Galahad's façade falling at the scene in front of him. Galahad faltered, for the first time not being able to say anything. Sir William looked back to the man in his arms as his facial expression was now stone cold. William cried into George's frame as he ignored the yells of Sir Galahad.

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