Chapter Twenty Five

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Four months later

It had been four months since the battle of Caspian and Asterin. Caspian had won, Uhtred's death solidifying the end of his reign and the loss of Asterin. Caspian retreated his men, he was made a loyal ally. Caspian took the death of Sir George surprisingly very bad, he had cried often for George was his best friend. Sir William also stepped forward as the traitor, he explained he blamed Caspian for his brother's death but after George had died he felt extremely guilty. Caspian was distraught, he had broken the Knight's code, but Caspian couldn't kill him so he banished him instead. William understood, he left Caspian, no one ever knowing where he had eventually gotten to.

After some persuading, King Caspian had let Arthur resign, the man being made a Knight of Asterin to be closer to Aurora. Caspian finally understood who it was that had taken Aurora's heart and to be honest, he couldn't have wished for anyone better. He was happy for them. Arthur was reunited with Sir Benedict as they began to rebuild the Knight system, Benedict forgave his brother Ralliyard, in fact, every knight that had served Uhtred was excused as after all, they were just fighting for their kingdom.

Aurora spent most nights with Arthur, the pair deciding on the kingdom's fate. But most importantly the discussion on the Kingdom was a distraction...

The death of Edmund Lannister affected Aurora every single day. Nothing seemed to be the same anymore, the only thing holding her down was Arthur. They grieved together, each another a reminder of what they had lost.

Ed received a proper burial. He was buried within the woods of Asterin, where it all had started, just when they were kids. The whole kingdom paid their respects as well as the men and King of Caspian.

But today, marked a new start. Aurora's coronation. Arthur insisted Aurora was to take over, after a lot of persuading with the consul, they agreed to let a woman rule, after all, Asterin had no more blood men for the throne.

She stood outside the throne room behind the doors, her heart beating ever so fast. She could hear the bishop through the doors as she waited for her cue. She wore the classic colours of Asterin; a navy-blue dress that clutched onto her figure perfectly. Fiddling with the ends of her dress she sighed sadly; this was supposed to be Edmund's day. The day he was crowned King. This was all he ever wanted and she felt ever so guilty for taking his place. A stray tear had slipped as she sniffled.

"He wouldn't want you to feel this way."

Spinning around she wiped her tears, furrowing her eyebrows. Directly behind her stood King Caspian as he smiled sweetly.

"Caspian." Aurora exhaled happily as she hastily embraced him.

"Sorry, I'm late." He smirked. "You know what being a King's like," he winked, "or should I say, Queen."

Aurora sighed, "I am unsure whether or not I am fit to rule, I... I am not prepared."

Caspian rolled his eyes, as he firmly held her shoulders, bending down to her level. "What is it with you Lannisters?" He grinned. "Aurora, Asterin will be blessed to have you as their ruler, you don't have to be strong or a well-trained fighter." He explained. "You have to have..."

"Heart." Aurora finished. "I know."

Caspian smiled again, "take some advice off an old friend and a King." He shrugged. "Ed wouldn't want anyone else on that throne."  Aurora nodded appreciatively, bending down once more, Caspian wiped her fallen tears. "You look beautiful." He softly spoke. Spinning her around, the doors began to open, her cue to enter. Giving him one last glance, she began to make her way through as she silently walked down the aisle. Inside stood her most trusted and loyal friends. Making her way towards the Bishop, she stopped at his feet, her knees bending down and they softly hit the pillow on the floor for her. He smiled warmly at her.

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