Chapter Thirteen

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With a great deal of distress, Aurora had dragged Arthur to where the horses stayed, she was ordered to go on without them, but she couldn't leave her brother again. Laying Arthur against a tree, she ran to Winston, pulling out the medical supplies they had brought in case anything like this was to happen.

Rummaging through the bag, she took out a bandage, a cloth, alcohol and some water. That seemed reasonable enough, in all honesty, she had no idea what she was doing. Running back to Arthur she noticed his closed eyes.

"Arthur." She had called, shaking him lightly. To no avail, his eyes remained sealed. "Arthur!" She yelled loudly, the man not moving. Leaning the Knight's body forward, she examined the arrow, wincing at the amount of blood. She circled her hands around the arrow, cringing about what would happen next. With one big tug, she began pulling the arrow out, Arthur widened his eyes, wailing out in pain.

"It's okay Arthur!" Aurora had jumped from his sudden liveliness, her eyes finding his. "Just one more." She sympathetically spoke, her hands beginning to slide down the arrow from the amount of blood. With one last tug, she forcefully pulled out the arrow, Arthur whimpering as he laid back against the tree.

Slowly closing his eyes, Aurora began to panic, "Arthur, stay with me." She pleaded. Reaching for the alcohol, she pursed her lips. "I'm sorry." She cringed once more.

"Aurora, wait," Arthur mumbled.

The Princess tilted him forwards again, wasting no time pouring alcohol on his wound. He yelled out once more, this time properly opening his eyes.

"It's over now." She nodded, hands shaking as she cleaned the wound with water before beginning to bandage him up. Arthur looked around, squinting his eyes.

"Where is everyone?" He questioned quietly, wincing now and then from the pressure of her bandaging.


Arthur gasped, "then we should be out there helping." He held himself securely, attempting to get up as he fell back down.

"You're wounded, I... I had to get you out." Aurora explained.

Arthur exhaled, looking up at Aurora as he smiled softly at her words. "Thank you." He gently reached for her hand, Aurora taking it happily.

"They'll be okay, right?" She questioned, looking deeper into the woods.

Arthur chuckled, "Yes." He grinned, knowing what she was getting at. "Ed will be just fine."

Aurora faced him once more, a smile now on her face, her cheeks stretching widely. Arthur wasn't sure what had come over him, whether he was still in and out of it or he was having a confidence boost, but his hand trailed from hers, up her arm and rested upon her cheek. Aurora instinctively snuggled against it, her hair wrapping around his arm. With all the energy he had left, he leant himself forwards, the pair becoming closer and closer by the minute.

"Here!" Someone had called out, Arthur and Aurora both turning their heads. Aurora jolted up, unsheathing her sword.

"Aurora." Arthur whispered, "hide."

She did nothing of the sort, walking closer towards the rustling trees. Her heart was beating fast, knowing she had to protect Arthur as well as herself.

Until, Caspian, Edmund, Sir George and Sir William emerged, all panting as they stopped to catch their breath.

"Ed!" Aurora rejoiced as she dropped her sword, swinging her arms around the neck of her brother.

He smiled thankfully until he drew back, "I thought I told you to keep going."

Aurora chuckled, taking a step back, "you're the reason I'm here, I wasn't leaving without you."

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