Chapter Fourteen

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"We'll be back in a few hours." Arthur smiled as he stood within the courtyard, horse by his side.

"Take your time," Aurora giggled. "I'll be here."

Arthur grinned sweetly at the girl, he was falling more by the day. The moment was hastily interrupted, Edmund's horse galloping in between the pair.

"You promised me a hunt." Edmund chuckled, his smile never fading.

Arthur playfully rolled his eyes, "this only works if you're good at it." He teased.

"Listen, no one beats me when it comes to hunting." Sir Galahad joined as he mounted his horse.

"Come on then," Arthur replied.

And with that, Aurora waved goodbye to the three boys as they rode off into the woods excitedly, giggling at their stupidity she spun around, heading back towards the castle.

She decided to take a walk around, to venture for herself. There was one part that had always secretly intrigued her, a hidden crevice behind the castle walls, a restricted door. It was behind the castle, almost abandoned as the hinges were barely hanging on to the stoned walls.

Naturally, she found herself heading towards it, her nosey mind getting the best of her. She followed along the castle's walls, her feet trodding along until she was met with the door. Looking around, she pushed forward, the door making a heavy creaky sound. But the door was a sense of illusion for what was behind it was beautiful.

It was a garden, within it was perfectly cut hedges, dotted with bright, red roses. There stood pink tulips upon the fresh grass and yellow daffodils held within brown pots, the garden was well groomed, a surprising factor given the entrance. Making sure to walk the paths that paved the way, the sweet aroma of fresh flowers and newly trimmed grass found their way into her nose. Searching the grounds she found a brown wooden swing bench, she heard the slight squeak the bench made within the light breeze. She was truly astonished to see no one was here, enjoying the gardens as she made her way over to the swing.

Laying back she closed her eyes, her body swinging with the bench. Her mind drifted to happier times, where her family were all together, her real family. She missed her mother and father dearly, wishing everything was perfect. Truth be told, she missed her old Kingdom, why wouldn't she? That was once her home.

Sighing sadly she reopened her eyes, as a figure of a man made its way over. Blinking a few times to get a better view, King Caspian was seen smiling as he walked toward her. He seemed less stressed today, his plain, brown shirt and trousers signifying that there must have been no meetings today. She smiled back at him, his brown locks bouncing with every step.

"Sire." She greeted as she stood up.

"Please," he held his hands up in defence, "there's no need for that." He smiled, taking a seat on the swing bench. "Come, sit."

Aurora nodded gratefully before sitting back down next to the King. They sat for a while, enjoying the sun and garden before Aurora spoke once more.

"This is a lovely garden."

"Isn't it just," Caspian began. "It used to be my mother's, she cared for it every day by herself." He shared. "So I took her place and had servants to maintain it." He joked, Aurora cracking a grin.

"And your mother? She..."

"Died." Caspian solemnly spoke. "Way before my father."

Aurora chewed her lip, "sorry to hear that."

"As am I. I never had the pleasure of meeting the Queen of Asterin, but my father always said she was a lovely woman." Caspian expressed.

"Yes." Aurora agreed, "she was."

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