Chapter Nineteen

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The great hall was filled with aristocratic people, Knights and Lords that have travelled to the Kingdom of Caspian, and Dutchess and Ladies that waited impatiently for the King's arrival, anxious to dance. There was a live band as they played classical music upon the cluster of strings and pipes.

The room ranged from big fancy ball gowns to yellow, purple, pink, and any colour you could imagine. It was clear to see the women had made such an effort, desperate to catch the young King's eye. The knights wore their chain mail just like Arthur and some men even in black codpieces, most men were found at the edge of the ballroom, mostly discussing politics.

The room was lit with dimmed candles as it left an almost romantic atmosphere, there was a table full of alcohol where Edmund and Sir Galahad found themselves spending most of their time. Galahad had grown fond of Edmund as he laughed away the evening with him, not only that but Arthur had given him a warning that he was now to look after Ed. Sir George, the most reliable knight was in charge of the ball, for now, Arthur had told him to keep a lookout whilst he went and fetched King Caspian.

The commotion was interrupted, Sir William flinging through the great wooden doors as he bellowed, "they're coming!"

Sir George nodded his head, "Places everyone!" He yelled as people began to clear a pathway for the entry of the King, the people settled for silence as they awaited their arrival.

The doors soon opened as Arthur stood alone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the King of Caspian." He commented as he moved aside, revealing Caspian. The King smiled in shock, all his peers and a bunch of beautiful ladies stood waiting for him. Caspian chuckled lightly, honoured by the amount of effort that had gone into this.

Arthur knelt before him, bowing his head as the rest of the room followed swiftly after. "Happy birthday," Arthur whispered in Caspian's ear before he clapped his hands, everyone else joining in.

"As a tradition, the King shall have the first dance." Sir George smiled. "Sire?"

King Caspian searched the room for his dance partner, his eyes sauntering through the considerable amounts of women fluttering their lashes towards the King, trying to win him over. The King cringed at these women with no dignity, until his eyes landed on someone who did not throw themselves at him. Aurora Lannister. The King gulped, beginning his steady walk towards her until he held his hand out.

Play the song as you read

"My lady?" He questioned as he bowed, she smiled warmly as she accepted his hand as Sir George nodded towards the band to start the music. A soft tune began to play as the crowd began to make a circle around them. Caspian's hands seemed to find their way around her waist as she held her hands around his neck.

"You chose me?"

"You know, for a second there I thought you were going to deny me." He mumbled.

"I couldn't do that to you on your birthday." She taunted as he rolled his eyes playfully.

"I must say you look rather beautiful tonight." He complimented.

"As do you, Sire." She blushed.

The two continued their waltz as everyone stared in awe, some women even visibly jealous. Across the room stood a drunk Edmund and Sir Galahad as they both smiled at the pair.

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