Chapter Twenty Three

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The time of the battle was closer than ever, Caspian and his men stood not far from the gates, Caspian knew he had to attack soon. Squinting his eyes the King shook his head for what stood in front of them looked twice the size of his army.

"I thought you said there were about five thousand," Caspian whispered to Edmund.

"Last time I was here there was, he must have recruited more men." Edmund shrugged.

"Have faith, My Lord." Arthur smiled. "Caspian's army is known to have the best knights."

King Caspian thought for a moment. "No." He shook his head. "Something is not right."

"What is it, Sire?" Arthur questioned.

"He was prepared." Caspian sighed. "How would he have known?"

Arthur shrugged. "Perhaps a lookout? It is rather hard to disguise an army."

Caspian scrunched his nose. "No, it is more than that, we took a route that was not known to anyone but..."

"But the people sat at the round table." Edmund nodded.

"So... what you are suggesting is..." Arthur began.

"We have a traitor in our midst." Caspian finished. Running a hand through his hair he sighed, turning back to face his army. "Can I really condemn my men to death?" Caspian sadly spoke as Edmund looked towards the King sympathetically.

"Any man would be honoured to walk into battle with you, I know I would." Edmund disclosed.

Caspian chuckled sadly, "you would follow a man into a battle that has a traitor within his circle and knew nothing about it until the last minute before war?"

"I would follow a man that gives everyone the benefit of the doubt because of how big his heart is." Edmund smiled.

Caspian raised an eyebrow, "nice wording."

"Besides Sire, we are here now, and we have a good chance, what more could we do?" Arthur encouraged as he looked back at the King's army. "Sire?"

Caspian sighed before turning around too. "For the love of Caspian!" He cheered.

"For the love of Caspian!" Everyone else roared as they charged towards the entrance, the fight was on!

Edmund was first to reach the gate, his horse racing towards the entrance as he trampled on nearby people, his sword swinging at the opposing soldier's heads. It was a bloody battle already, limbs everywhere as Caspian's army struggled to enter the gates. There was a roar of shrieking and screaming as the men fought with one another. One thing Edmund got right was that Caspian's warriors were skilful, despite that they were heavily outnumbered, they managed to break through the first layer: the gates. Men ran through, swatting at anything they could.

"Edmund, Arthur and Aurora, you're with me!" Caspian bellowed as he jabbed a nearby knight. "Sir Galahad, William and George. Hold the fort!" He smiled as he began to make for the inside of the castle with his group.

"He loves making us do the hard work!" Sir Galahad chuckled as he ducked from a sword.

"Tell me about it." Sir William joked, too fighting side by side with his best friends.

"There's too many of them!" Sir George pointed out as Sir Galahad rolled his eyes.

"Oh Georgie, you are filled to the rim with optimism!" Sir Galahad grinned as he stabbed his sword into someone.

"If you don't die, I will kill you myself!" George cracked a grin as he slashed someone trying to creep up on Sir Galahad. Spinning around, Sir Galahad raised an eyebrow.

"I thought you wanted me to die?" Galahad questioned, secretly thanking Sir George.

"Galahad, Shut up!" George grinned.

"Woah!" Sir William yelped. "A little help!" He taunted as more soldiers began to swarm them.

"AS CASPIAN SAID, IF WE GO DOWN, WE GO DOWN FIGHTING!" Galahad screamed as George smiled.

"That's the spirit."

Meanwhile, Caspian, Aurora, Arthur and Edmund made their way into the castle's undergrounds, nearly missing a few soldiers waiting to fight anyone coming their way.

"It is just a straight line from here." Edmund shared. "It leads straight to the castle's corridors." The four began to make their way, Arthur picking up a fire torch from the wall as he lit up the route. They made their way through the tunnel, finally reaching the door as Edmund counted to three before opening it. They were thankfully alone as they made their way into the hallways, silently praying they were not caught. After closing the secret passage, they made their way to the throne room, rounding the corner they found eight knights waiting outside the doors.

"I thought this was too easy." Caspian sighed.

"On me!" Edmund yelled as the four of them tried to fight off two at a time.

Arthur was quick with his sword, instantly slashing one's arm allowing him to cry out in pain as Arthur stabbed another, ready for the next man. Aurora stood strongly, two men circling her as they laughed at what they thought would be an easy opponent. She wildly swung her sword, stabbing one in his stomach as the other man roared only to be pierced through the back by Arthur.

"That one was mine!" She complained.

"You're welcome." Arthur rolled his eyes. The eight knights that once stood tall were now on the floor, covered in their own blood as the four stood over them, entering the halls.

"We must be quick." Edmund nodded, leading the way.


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