Chapter Seventeen

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A few weeks had passed since Ed's fiasco, and Arthur made sure he was there for his brother as Edmund tended not to tell anyone when he felt sad. But another major event was about to happen, it was coming up to King Caspian's birthday.

Arthur was currently sitting with Aurora and Sir Galahad in his chambers, the three doing their best to come up with ideas for the King. Galahad lay on his stomach across the bed, Aurora sat next to him against a heap of cushions. Arthur sat on a wooden chair backwards, his front leaning against the backrest.

"How about a nice dinner?' Aurora suggested.

"That's too boring." Sir Galahad noted.

"What about a hunting trip?" Arthur asked.

"We did that last year," Galahad remembered. "And I know he secretly hated it."

"Jousting competition?' Aurora questioned.

"He loathes jousting" Galahad shared.

"Then you think of something." Aurora sighed as she threw her arms up in the air.

"I say we round up a bunch of pretty ladies and let the wise King pick his favourite." Galahad joked as Aurora lightly punched him. "What?"

"That is vile." Aurora grimaced as Arthur snickered.

"What can I say? The King likes his women." Galahad taunted, allowing the Princess to roll her eyes.

Arthur's eyes glistened, "that's not a bad idea."

Aurora scoffed, "Arthur, you have to be joking."

"No." Arthur grinned. "Not like that... how about a ball?"

"Not bad." Galahad nodded. "But it's a bit late notice, his birthday's tomorrow."

"We can make it work, we'll round up Sir George and William, some of the other knights and invite the local women." Arthur shrugged.

"Sir George and a ball, now that's a bizarre combination." Galahad cackled. "I've never seen this guy crack a smile."

"He is rather peculiar," Aurora noted.

"Peculiar?" Galahad chuckled. "This man kept a straight face at his knighting ceremony!"

Arthur began to snicker, "And then he told us it was the happiest day of his life."

"With a straight face!" Galahad laughed as Arthur and Aurora joined in. "But jokes aside," Galahad began once the laughter had died down, "he is the most loyal man you'll ever come across."

"This is true," Arthur commented. "He has saved my life more times than I can count."

"And mine." Galahad agreed.

"Right then." Arthur settled as he stood up clapping his hands. "I have invitations to give out, care to join me?"

"I have something I need to do but I'll be with you after." Aurora shared.

"Just you and me pal," Galahad smirked as he followed Arthur out of his chambers.

The duo began to banter around, talking about Caspian's upcoming ball. "It's been a while since I've been around some ladies." Galahad chuckled, rubbing his hands together.

Arthur smirked, "I believe this ball seems more suited to you than Caspian."

Turning a corner Galahad nodded, "I mean I'm not complaining if that's what you're getting at, I'm sure you're not either."

Arthur sighed, smiling across his face, "I'm not after any ladies."

Galahad raised an eyebrow, "has Arthur got a lover?"

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