Chapter Twenty Two

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The battle for Asterin had begun. Today marked the beginning of history, the battle to restore the throne of Asterin to its rightful owner.

Caspian had marched his two thousand men onto an open field, only a mere few miles from Asterin. The sky was dreary but the ground remained dry, Caspian had thought out his war well, understanding his army was to a disadvantage he had to think of any leverage he could get. He made his way to the start of the crowd, his horse guiding the way as he circled to the front. As said before, he looked the part, his golden, crystal crown lay across his brown locks. His silver armour shone in the light as his red cape was blowing in the wind. He would be lying if he didn't say he was nervous, but it's smart to be nervous, you must take in every possibility when leading an army. Nevertheless, he smiled at his awaiting crowd, his men cheering him on.

Perched upon his horse he ceased his men's cheers.  "Men of Caspian!" He yelled over the chatter of males. "Tonight, we shall end the feud between the two kingdoms! We shall restore the throne to Prince Edmund! We mark the point of a new beginning! One of peace and friendship! We fight with honour!" He roared as the men began to cheer back.

Arthur and Edmund stood not far from their King, their swords flailing in the air as they shouted in affirmation.

Caspian nodded, "I want to make this as clear as possible, we play fairly! No women or children are to be harmed, the villagers are not the enemy here. As I stand, side by side with fellow companions, we fight for each other! You will be honoured in the glory!" The King grinned. "For the love of Caspian!" He bellowed as a chorus of cheers began to repeat his words. Caspian smiled at his followers, scanning through the crowd, the cheers and hopefulness of his men had given him goosebumps, this is why he became King. He could see his four knights as well as Edmund and Aurora within the front line of his men. He thought about the companions he had gained during his time as a King, and he begged for each one of them to make it through the night.

After the happiness had died down, Caspian ordered the march to continue, his men willingly following. But far across the distance, the army was unaware of the opposing lookouts. Upon a nearby mountain, Prince Salvador was also upon his horse, scowling at the scene beneath him. Cursing with his knights around him they headed back towards Asterin to inform the King.

It was a quick journey, no need to hide within the forests as Salvador and his men rode through the courtyard, Salvador not bothering to put away his horse as he hastily hopped down, running up the cobbled steps and into the castle.

Bursting into the throne room, the doors hit with a clash, disturbing the meeting Uhtred had in place. Salvador knew he had interrupted an important gathering, there sat another King, one from a distant kingdom. He was fairly old, his long, grey beard reaching past his chest, he squinted to see who had disturbed them. In front of him lay a piece of parchment and in his hand was a quill.

Behind him was Uhtred as he was almost towering over him. "Just sign here." Uhtred almost begged.

The old King wet his lips, "you should see to your son," he whispered. "He seems distressed."

It was then Salvador remembered what he came to do, Uhtred reluctantly looked to his son, scowling. "What is it?" He seethed through gritted teeth.

Salvador gulped, his palms were sweaty. "Our spy was right. It is Prince Edmund." Uhtred widened his eyes, anger and fury rising within him once more. "He has come with an army."

"Prince Edmund?" The old King questioned. "You told me he had died."

Uhtred rolled his eyes, "how many?"

"About two, three thousand." Salvador sighed. "It is the kingdom of Caspian, I'm sure of it."

"What is the meaning of this?" The other King scowled.

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