Chapter Twelve

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It was an eerie afternoon, the sun beginning to hide as clouds overcrowded the sky. The wind was heavy, a struggle to see without squinting. However, Caspian, his Knights and Aurora continued their journey to Asterin. They trotted within a line, King Caspian taking the lead, Sir Galahad hot on his trails as he had a talent for navigation.

The Kingdom was in close range, perched upon a hill they could see the castle and its walls. The flags had been taken down, the Kingdom seemingly empty. There was no longer any hustle and banter within the town square, Caspian noted the Knights patrolling the Kingdom.

Arthur shook his head with regret, "what happened?" He gasped, "it's as if no one is there."

Aurora scoffed, "you can thank Uhtred for that."

Caspian sympathetically smiled at the pair, "Come on, I say an hour's ride more."

Kicking his horse, Caspian led the patrol, closing in on the forest.


The trees danced within the breeze, the smell of Autumn seeping through the forest, the sound of crisp leaves crunching as the horses' hooves trotted across it. Caspian raised his hand, signalling the group to stop, jumping off his horse he nodded.

"We walk from here," Caspian instructed. "Ensure they're fed and watered for a quick escape."

Walking over to the Princess, Caspian offered her his hand as she smiled in return, taking it as he held her waist securely, helping her down.

"A beautiful horse." He complimented, passing Winston an apple and feeding him from his palm.

Aurora grinned, "yes, I've been told."

"He has a name?" Caspian questioned, calming the horse as he stroked his mane.

Arthur was bent beside his horse, a bucket of water in his hand as he rubbed its face. He stole a glance at the scene behind him, Caspian talking as Aurora giggled at him. He'd be lying if he said he didn't feel gutted.

"See something interesting?"

Looking back at his horse, Sir George stood with his arms folded, a scowl across his face.

Arthur faked a smile, "no, just surveying the forest."

Sir George smirked, nodding his head as he lightly tapped Arthur's shoulder.

"Come on, we have to be quick and stay low," Caspian called across his knights as he began to head off, the rest of his men and woman behind.

It didn't take them long to reach the edge of the forest. Caspian beckoned for everyone to crouch as they ran across the field, undetected so far. They kept a low profile, everyone hiding from nearby patrol guards. Aurora had told them of all entrances to the castle, she led them to a back entrance, with fewer guards and security.

They were at a gate, hiding behind a bush, Caspian peeking a look discovered there were only two Knights. Ducking back behind the bush, he looked at Arthur, pointing to the Knight with his index finger, he motioned for him to take the guard on the right whilst he would take the one on the left. Arthur nodded, showing he understood as Caspian counted down from three with his fingers. With a swift movement, they jumped out, taking out the Knights before any noise was made. Dragging their bodies to one side they called the rest of the group to follow.

Nearing the gates, a ghostly, low, sonorous tone was heard. It was made by trumpets. Aurora gasped.

"What does that mean?" Sir Galahad asked, confused by her shock.

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