Chapter Ten

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Arthur solemnly made his way into the great hall, greeting the nearby knights as he went inside. It was rather late now, Arthur was surprised at the meeting before him. There King Caspian was, in his white tunic,  metallic brigandine and red cloak. He was a pretty man, clearly written by a woman. He had chocolate brown locks that reached just above his shoulders, a clean, trimmed beard and he had light brown eyes to match. His features were charming, his bright, white teeth making for a captivating smile. King Caspian sat at the head of the table, a Bishop to his left and a few Lords speckled around him. They seemed to be discussing something important, no one bothering to look up at the knight.

Bowing before them, Arthur cleared his throat.

"Arthur. My best friend, what is it that's troubling you?" The King of Caspian spoke as he avoided eye contact, currently overlooking some papers in his hand.

"Can I speak with you?" He questioned worryingly.

"Of course, you can." The King replied, eyes still focused on his paper as he whispered something to the Bishop.

"Alone?" Arthur pushed. The King finally looked up from his notes as he saw the trouble within his companion.

"Leave." The King ordered as everyone huffed in annoyance.

"But Your honour, we are almost done." The Bishop complained as he pointed to the paper within the King's hands.

"I said leave." The King spoke as he waved his hands for the guards to exit the room too. Everyone began filing out, no one daring to go against the King's wishes.

Standing up from his seat the King worryingly spoke, "Now what is it?" Walking towards his friend, he smiled supportively. "Is it money? I can give you that. Anything you need, you know that it is yours, Arthur." The King nodded as he held Arthur's shoulder for comfort.

"Sire, I need permission for a guest to stay the night," Arthur spoke quietly.

"Permission?" The King chuckled. "What for?"

"You have to promise me you won't say a word."

"Arthur I-"

"Please." The young knight begged. Caspian furrowed his brows, clearly, this was important.

The King sighed, "I promise."

"The Queen of Asterin is dead." Arthur shared sadly. "You were right about King Uhtred, he has locked Edmund away, he is to be beheaded so his son Salvador is the next heir."

At this, Caspian gasped. "I knew it, he's a slimy minx!" Caspian cursed. "We all knew he had it in him."

"But there's more." Arthur proceeded. "The Princess of Asterin, she's here, she has come to seek my help." Caspian sighed, finally understanding Arthur's stress. "I need to keep her safe." He explained. "I need to go to Asterin, tomorrow night and I need some men to come with me, to help Prince Edmund escape."

"Arthur," Caspian shook his head slowly, "it gives me no pleasure in saying this but, I cannot risk war with another kingdom for the safety of one person." The King sadly replied.

"Then he'll die!" Arthur stressed.

"One death for thousands." The King shrugged. "Weigh the scales."

"Sire, have I not been a good enough knight? Have I not been a faithful and loyal companion?" Arthur broken-heartedly croaked.

"Yes, of course, you have! You've been my right hand." The King smiled as he hugged his best knight. "But I cannot risk the lives of thousands. For Edmund, I fear his fate is sealed but the Princess, she's a woman, what use is she to the throne?"

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