Chapter Twenty One

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Caspian never explained what happened that night to the others and he made Arthur swear he wasn't to say anything either. He had ordered his companions to meet the next day, stressing he had some important news.

Right now, Caspian gathered his closest friends and his four best knights. Sir George, Sir Galahad, Sir William and Sir Arthur. He told them to meet in the secluded part of the castle, a place that was only known to the trusted of the kingdom. Home to the round table.

Around it stood seven of the most important figures to this part of the story—one where legends had written the power of this one moment.

"Please, sit," Caspian instructed as he stood, his arms leant upon the table. Sir Galahad took a seat, along with George and Sir William. Aurora was next as she sat next to Arthur, who sat next to Edmund. "I have gathered you here to tell you I am going to overpower the Kingdom of Asterin. Today marks the day of battle." This gained the attention of Aurora and Edmund. There were few murmurs and whispers, Caspian silencing them at once. "Something, I wish not to tell you has made up my mind." At this, Caspian side-eyed Arthur. "It'll be a risky mission but one that must be done. If all seven of you do not agree to it then this mission shall be done alone."

"Must you risk the lives of thousand for a kingdom of which you already have?" Sir George spoke.

"It is not the kingdom I seek but the King's head himself," Caspian replied calmly. "I fear if we do nothing, he will invade us."

"How can you be sure?" Sir Galahad asked.

"I cannot." Caspian shrugged.

"My Lord," Sir George began, "I do not understand, you have been against war with Asterin for years."

Sir Caspian nodded understandingly, "someone once told me doing something is better than doing nothing."

Arthur looked towards his King, smiling in approval. Edmund suddenly stood up, surprising Caspian.

"My Lord." Edmund bowed. "I have never got the chance to learn how to be a King and now I don't even believe I am ready, but if I turn out anything like the King of Caspian, I know that I would have done something right." Edmund nodded. "These past few months, especially towards the beginning I was a coward and a fool."

"Edmund it's alright." Arthur began.

"No." Ed cut him off. "It's not." Edmund sighed. "I guess what I am trying to say is that, even if I wasn't fighting for my throne, I would do it anyway." He looked at Caspian. "Because I have finally learnt how to honour and respect, my time at Caspian has taught me that, well..." he chuckled. "I would fight alongside King Caspian anytime because he is the truest most loyal and compassionate man I have ever met. So, you know my answer, it would be an honour."

Caspian smiled warmly, the wise words from Ed comforting. "You are ready." He nodded. "I cannot wait for the day we solidify the friendship between the two kingdoms."

Arthur grinned, happy for his brother as he stood up. "I have been with you through many battles and conquests, and I will continue to follow you anywhere My Lord." Caspian nodded again, thankful for his friends.

"I will fight, not just for my Kingdom or my brother's throne, but for you too." Aurora smiled. "You have welcomed me with open arms, and when Asterin's ours, we shall do the same."

"Uhtred killed my brother." Sir William frowned. "I must fight in his name."

"Of course." Caspian acknowledged.

Sir George sighed, "My Lord, I still do not think this a wise choice."

"You know my wishes if all seven do not..." Caspian began.

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