Chapter Nine

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With a cloudy mind, the Princess stumbled into the stables. Everything became a blur, her vision unclear as she searched for Winston.

"Your majesty, in a hurry?" Turning around she noticed Sir Cristan standing in the stables, combing through his horse's mane. Aurora nodded slowly, unsure whether or not to unfold what had happened. It was as if Cristan read her mind, holding up his hand as he shook his head. "I don't think I want to know."

"I am leaving." She solemnly spoke, her eyes scanning the stables.

"Over there." Cristan pointed to Winston as Aurora thanked him. "Here," Cristan spoke, making his way over to the girl as he grabbed her belongings. Straddling her horse, Cristan stood aside as he strapped down her belongings.

"Thank you." Aurora pushed a smile.

"Princess," Cristan began. "I know something is coming, something big." He sighed. "I stand by you." He grinned supportively. "I follow what is right and that boy should not be in the dungeons, that boy is... is a King," Cristan whispered. "I've seen him fight, I've seen his courage and I've seen his heart." Cristan expressed emotion. Looking up at the Princess he nodded his head reassuringly. "I have a good idea where you might be headed." He smirked.

Aurora was lost for words, unable to say anything as she could spill the beans at any given moment.

"Bring him home." That was all Cristan said before he slapped the back of her horse, sending him rocketing out of the stables.

Ignoring the calls of the guards, Aurora and Winston galloped through the courtyard and market square. There was a series of yells to close the gates as Aurora pushed her horse even further. Sweat formed across her head, the life of her brother and kingdom within her palms, kicking her horse she watched as the gates of the castle began to slowly close.

Cristan stood within the market square, watching the scene unfold, nervous he began biting his nails, unable to express how he felt in public. "Come on," he mumbled.

Aurora spun around, watching the guards chase after her as she glanced at the gate. It was now or never. Closing her eyes she held onto her horse, heart pulsating as she hoped to make the final call. A few seconds had passed, the horse still running as Aurora now opened her eyes, relief filling her as she smiled in joy. She had made it, the gates shutting behind her just in time.

"Yes!" Sir Cristan cheered, his manner quickly changing as he realised where he was.


It was the most beautiful journey to Caspian, very scenic. She had passed a series of fields laced with pastel tulips and ruby red roses, she passed a meadow filled with sunflowers and she trotted through the forest streams. She always felt so free with Winston, he was her escape from reality.

She was very nearby now, the majestic castle visible from where she was. Even the castle seemed homely, the fires being seen within the night sky gave a warm feeling. She hoped their King was as nice as the Kingdom. Dismounting her horse, she led him towards the Kingdom's courtyard entrance. There was a line of people, from poor to rich, waiting for permission to enter. Beginning to panic, she lifted her purple cloaked hood, covering her features. No one could know she was here, no one important, she'd be sent for in minutes.

The line had shortened, Aurora next up as she had watched people be accepted and denied for the past thirty minutes.

"Name?" The Knight had asked, not bothering to look at her.

Aurora chewed the inside of her cheek, why did she not think of this before? "Um, Fiona." She mumbled.

The knight sighed, "what? I can't hear you, love."

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