Chapter Five

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The next few months were tough on Aurora and Edmund, nothing felt the same anymore. They barely felt the excitement and happiness teenagers were supposed to endure, they sat miserably alone, their minds consumed with the thought of young Arthur. Aurora struggled to eat, Edmund's sword skills no longer as sharp. They missed him every second of the day as their hatred towards Uhtred only grew.

One peaceful evening, Aurora lay across her sheets, a book in her hand as she lightly blew the few strays of hair out of her face. She grew a liking for reading, her mind being distracted from her dark thoughts. Licking her finger, she made a turn for the next page but was interrupted by a subtle tap upon her door.

Sitting up she commanded, "enter."

Edmund strolled through, making his way to the end of her bed as he faced her with a smile. He was wearing a full suit of armour, Aurora guessing he had just finished training. She eyed his mischievous grin, confused by his smugness.

"Go on then." She cautiously spoke.

With a slight nod, he simply said, "get dressed."


"Just get dressed." He instructed.

Aurora sighed. "Edmund, I'm not in the mood." She rolled onto her stomach, throwing a pillow over her head.

"I said get dressed." He stressed, tapping the end of her wooden frame impatiently. Aurora muttered something incoherent in response as Edmund rolled his eyes, making his way around the side as he lifted her mattress easily.

His sister fell with a thud. "Ed!" She winged. "Ow!"

"Get dressed!" He repeated. "Meet me in the stables when you're done." Without another word, he left the room.

"Swine," Aurora muttered as she stood up, rubbing her thighs. Taking in a deep breath she stood in front of her wardrobe. "Get dressed?" She questioned opening up her doors, "dressed for what?" Searching through her racks she struggled to find something for the occasion, shrugging her shoulders she settled for a light blue, long-sleeved dress.


"What took you so long?" Edmund asked as he stood with the reigns of two horses in his hands. Eyeing her frame he let out a cackle, "and what are you wearing?"

Aurora rolled her eyes. "You said get dressed, you didn't say what for."

"I am dressed in armour, what did you expect?" He sniggered.

"I don't know Edmund, you waltz into my chambers, throw me off my bed and order me to get dressed." His sister winged.

"Oh shut up." He playfully rolled his eyes, passing her horse. Aurora had acquired Winston only a few months ago, just before Arthur left to be precise. He was a beautiful horse, majestic, a gift from another kingdom. The Queen had announced to Aurora they attempted to flatten her, their Prince looking for a wife.

Mounting their horses, Aurora noticed a big brown sack attached to Edmund's horse. "What's in the bag?" She asked, it looked heavy.

"I'll show you later," Edmund explained, leading the way.

Aurora followed Edmund's horse as they galloped out of the courtyard and castle, into the nearby fields. It was done discreetly, the royal pair being out past their curfew. Ed made his horse switch from a gallop to a light trot as Winston followed on.

"Here will do," Edmund yelled as he hopped down from his horse, leaning straight for the bag he had brought. "Now, I wanted to teach you a few things, away from the public." He smiled at his younger sister.

She too dismounted her horse and walked towards her brother. "What things?" She questioned, furrowing her brows.

"These things," Edmund smirked as he pulled out a sword from the bag.

"Edmund!" Aurora whispered angrily. "Girls aren't allowed to learn such things!"

"Good thing you're not a girl then." He teased, childishly sticking out his tongue. Passing her the sword he gazed deeply into her eyes, letting her know what was about to be said was serious. "Look, now you're growing up," he swallowed as he rolled his eyes, "into a... woman. You need to be able to protect yourself. I'm not going to always be there and so," he sighed, "it's only right."

"Edmund I..."

"No." He sternly spoke. "With Arthur gone that's less protection, he was the only man I trusted with my life." He shared. "We agreed that if anything was to happen to either one of us, the other would teach you how to survive."

Aurora softened at the mention of Arthur, the two barely spoke about him aloud but he was always on their minds. Looking at the sword in her hand, she reluctantly lifted it, the weight comes as a shock as it slightly dragged her down.

"Now, attack me." Edmund chuckled, beckoning her forward.

"What?" She questioned.

"Hit me!" He bellowed. Yet she only made weak attempts, her sword gently jabbing forwards.

"Come on!" He cackled.

"Edmund, I can't do this." She sighed.

Her brother bit the inside of his cheek, pondering. Until he grinned cheekily. "Remember that time I lost your favourite dress in a gamble?" He taunted as his sister rolled her eyes.

"Yeah." She spat. "I do."

"And when I ate your pudding yesterday after dinner?" He joked.

"Yes. I do." She seethed.

"And that time when I kissed your best friend?" He cackled.

"Yes, I do!" She yelled as she swung for him wildly.

"That's more like it!" He laughed. "And again!" She vigorously swung for him as he avoided each one before spinning her around and holding his sword under her neck. "Lesson one: control your anger. Don't let it overcome you, use it to fight." He explained as he let go.

She held her sword back up as he motioned for her to attack him again. This time she thought more carefully about her actions as she jabbed him carefully, watching his every movement. "There we go, you're using your big brain." He teased.

"Shut up!" She spoke harshly, trying to hold back her smile.


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