Chapter 17: On Our Way

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My mother owned two properties in which my family stayed often : a manor in England, not far from London, and a french chateau. They were both removed enough from society to where we had enough land to go about our business, but close enough to where if someone wanted to go out, they could.

We would be staying in England, as that was where the Malfoy's were as well. Their home was much closer to the city, though. It would take a train ride and a bit more to get home, and mother informed me she had sent a new friend to pick Ethan, Draco, and I up.

"I wonder what she meant. I'm hoping she's sending horses, maybe she caved and got me a pegasus," Ethan was guessing.

"Mm... a pegasus wouldn't be sufficient to bring us all home, even with a wagon or chariot, unless there were multiple. I'm thinking something that stays on land," I rebutted. We were all in the same train cart.

"Maybe she literally meant a new friend of hers, like a butler or made or such?" Draco said. His arm was around my shoulders, and he was leaned back. I think he was just relieved to not spend the holidays at his home.

"Mother isn't that boring, and she doesn't trust any one with her children outside of people we know. It'd have to be a creature or some new type of transport." I reached under my seat, pulling out the cage of sleeping birds, and placed them back again. Alina was in Ethan's lap, "Maybe it's a nymph? Mom has been studying their cultures, and it's in their. afire to be motherly. She could trust them."

"At that point, she'd pick us up herself," Ethan began, "No, I really think it's a transporting creature of some kind. Especially because she requested us go into Adeline's." Adeline's was a pastry shop near the station, owned by one of Mom's earlier apprentices. The second floor acted as a gateway into the wilderness, about 30 or so miles from our home.

"What about mom's hounds?"

Ethan looked up at me, "I thought they were still in France?"

"I mean... it makes enough sense. Enough to wagon our stuff, she trusts them, they're large."

"Hounds?" Draco asked.

"Our mom has a soft spot for mythical, dog like creatures. A whole lot of them. There's the two cadejos, the cù sìth, the dip, the fenrir, freybug, Orthrus is probably there, and the lapas."

"I haven't heard of half of those things, except how does your mom have Orthrus?!" Draco looked shocked. Orthrus was the two headed dog, most known for being brother of Cerberus (or, uncle to Fluffy).

"She's friends with the Greek royal family, bought it through them a while back. He was the second of the collection. He's a good boy, too. The first was the lapas, her name is Anthea. She's a winged hunter wolf. The third was the dip, AKA the vampire demon dog, bu Mom had him trained and we named him Devin. Fourth and fifth were the cadejo twins, Joe is the black horned one, and Seph is the white horned one. The cu sith was a gift for me, her name is Sage and she's a green and very good girl who I love. The fenrir and freybug came next, their names are Avi and Alora. We also have a normal dog named Megan."

"Wow. Are they all... good?" He seemed scared.

"Yes, they're all trained. The only finicky one is the black cadejo named Joe. He's trying, but the others keep him in check. You can ride with me on Sage, if you'd like? Less scary. If we can put you on Devin! He's super friendly to newbies."

"I'm... good with wherever you put me. Do they have like... wagons or something?"

"Anthea and Avi will probably have the wagons attached to them, they're good with that stuff," Ethan said, sitting up and gathering his things, "We're about to be at the station."

Draco and I gathered up our things and soon enough, we all began exiting the train. The station was empty, because we came after the work rush but before lunch. Draco went and retrieved our trunks.

We walked out of the station, and into the streets of London where the city welcomed us with sounds of traffic and the faint smell of city life. Ethan began walking towards Adeline's, and Draco and I followed not far behind.

Adeline's was a thin white and brick building, situated between two others that looked just like it. The door was a light pink, though, and the inside looked like something out of a dollhouse.

"Hello, Adeline!" Ethan called once we walked inside.

"Ethan!! Y/N!! I'm so happy to see you, your mother said you'd be stopping by," She called out from behind the counter, crouched down to where she couldn't see us. She popped up and ran over to us, "And who is this handsome young man with you?"

"This is Draco Malfoy, my boyfriend. He'll be spending the holidays with us."

She gave me a coy look. For a five foot woman who wore almost nothing but pink dresses and large shawls, she could be quite humorous.

"Well, before you three leave you much have a cup of cocoa and that is NOT debatable!" She exclaimed as she went behind the counter and began fixing some.

"We wouldn't dream of arguing, Ades. Could we also bother you for something small to eat? I'm half starved." Ethan spoke as he sat at the bar, tucking his luggage in the corner.

"Of course! Now, Y/N I know you want a lemon square, Ethan will have a croissant, but Draco whats would you like, dear?"

Draco seemed caught off guard by being referred to as 'Dear'. I spoke up for him, "Draco likes chocolate. Anything with it will do!" I motioned for him to sit down between me and Ethan, and he did so.

"So, how are you kids doing at Hogwarts? Ethan- I heard you're doing smashingly with quidditch!"

"Yes, ma'am, but the season hasn't started. Mostly just practices and try outs. Draco is on the slytherin team, a seeker."

"Very nice, dear! You know Draco, back in my day I was a seek for the Hufflepuff team. Tough gig and I was the only witch on the team, women didn't play much back then, but Dumbledore insisted I try it out! All good though, I enjoyed it. How are you doing?"

"We've only done tryouts so far, but I got back in so I'd say rather well," Draco said. He was sitting straight up, almost overly polite, but I thought it was cute.

"That's wonderful! And Y/N, no quidditch for you?"

"Mm, if I wanted to put myself in a position where I would almost certainly be wounded or killed, I'd rather it have a better view."

Adeline laughed at my joke as she poured dark chocolate into three cups.

"Yes, I can see why some aren't fans. How are your potions going?"

Ethan answered in my behalf, "We have a little potion brewer on our hands, M'am, she's already invented one!"

As she placed the food and drink in front of us, her expression changed, "Is that so? Well I'll be damned."

"Yes," I shyly confirmed, "I'm submitting for a patent after winter break. My potions professor is helping me."

"Is that still Snape?" I nodded to confirm, "You know I dated him right after high school? Nice boy, I guess man now, but he was always hung up over this other girl so I broke things off. Wonder how he's doing."

Draco interrupted with a loud, and surprised, "Mm!" as he bit into the brownie, then he saw us all look at him, which prompted an, "Excuse me,".

"It's okay, dear! Glad you like it!" Ade said, smiling.

We all ate and drank within the span of ten or so minutes, then thanked her for the food.

"Of course! And you three know how to use the portal?"

"Draco doesn't, but he can go through with me." I smiled.

"Okay, okay, now you know the rules. The price for use is one, firm squeeze from all of you."

We smiled, and I gave her a quick hug first, then Ethan. She even gave Draco a quick squeeze. We then headed up stairs, making two trips for the luggage.

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