Chapter 4 : Hogwarts

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I sat in awe of the castle in the distance.

"Draco... it's beautiful."

He smiled at me briefly, before turning back to his book, clearly unimpressed.

The train came to a stop, and Draco closed his book, we gathered our supplies and put on our school robes.

"I think you have to go with the first years, to get sorted." Draco was grabbing my briefcase for me,

"Mm, me too." I followed him out of the train and onto a small boat. He placed my luggage in one, and helped me onto the boat. It moved on its own, toward the castle. We sat in silence for a little while. "Draco, are we going to get to school and you're going to go back to being... horrible, quite frankly?"

He reached out for my hand, and held in both of his and he looked at me in the eyes. "I swear I will try not to."

We pulled up to the school, and my luggage was taken to my room for me, including Alina. I followed the first years to the steps, waving goodbye to Draco.

"Promise me you'll stop by my dorm tonight?" I said.

"Sure, see you in the Ravenclaw common room." He smiled at me. I can't believe I hated him less than twenty four hours ago.

Ms. McGonagall stood at the top of the steps, I recognized her from one of mom's parties. She began speaking about Hogwarts, and instructing us on how to enter the building for sorting.

I followed to the far side of the dinning hall, seeing Draco in the distance sit by himself at the end of the Slytherin table. He was looking up and down the line up for first years, probably to find me. I smiled and waved at him, which caught his eye, because he did a small wave back.

Name after name was called, a child would sit down and be told what house they were assigned too. I hoped I would be Ravenclaw, I always did, but in that moment I began to second guess myself. Would I truly be best in Ravenclaw?

"Y/N Priest!" I smiled and walked up, sitting down on the stool. The hat was placed in me, but he fell unusually quiet.

"The Priest family, unlike most, you know... pure blood families tend to stick to one house... quite odd..." He muttered to me.

"I know, sir." I responded.

"Your brother, of course, is a Hufflepuff but if we look back we can see Slytherin, Gryffindor and... Ravenclaw."

"Yes, sir."

"I think the best choice for you, however is... RAVENCLAW!" I sighed a breath of relief as the Ravenclaw table clapped for me. I sat down with them, waiting for the rest of the children's names to be called.

After the sorting, the Ravenclaw perfects led us to the common room, which was at the top of a winding staircase. "So, every time you enter the room, you must answer a riddle given to you by this eagle, who will ask a question you should know the answer too." The Perfect instructing us seemed to be only a few years older then me, he turned to the knocker. "Entrance please."

"What must be broken before you use it?"

The Perfect thought for a moment, "An egg." The door opened, and each student entered the building.

We were shown to our rooms, and mine was just off the common room. I entered the small room, it was almost completely empty, other then my luggage, which sat in the center of the room. I smiled, and took out the list of decorating spells my mother had given me.

After approximately an hour of casting, my room was done (picture at top). I smiled, and unpacked my luggage, and placed Alina on my bed. A boy my age knocked on the door, which had been open a crack.

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