Chapter 5 : Classes

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My first class of the day was advanced potions, which I had with Draco. Snape was the instructor, which I was actually happy with. He went to Hogwarts with my mother and father, he and my father had been friends.

The class was small, only eight of us, and one large table in the center of the room. I smiled at Draco, and sat down next to him.

"You look nice today," he said, clearing his throat and looking away from me quickly.

"Wow, if I didn't know any better I'd think that was a compliment."

"Well, thank god you do." I chuckled at him.

I watched Snape walk in, and then stop at the door, staring directly at me, "Y/N Priest?"

"That's me, sir." I could've sworn he almost smiled.

"I remember you from when you were just a little girl. I'm pleased to have you in my class."

"Thank you, sir."

I opened my textbook and looked down to see Draco sliding a note across the desk. I slyly took it and read,

"Hot for professor, are we?"

I smirked, and wrote back,

"Jealous, Draco?"

He looked at me in a mix of shock and horror, and I could barely keep the laugh down. I wrote to him,

"I'm clearly joking."

He seemed to relax after that.

"Today, we will be starting with a more... useful potion. Y/N, can you inform the class about the Draught of Peace?"

"Yes sir, it's a potion made to relieve anxiety. It's seen as a difficult potion to make because if you add too much of any ingredient, the user could possibly be brought into a coma."

"Very good, ingredients?"

"Powdered moonstone, hellebore, powdered unicorn horn and porcupine needles, and valerian root, which should be brewed in rain water."

"Impressive work, Miss Priest. Where did you learn such a thing?"

"My mother, she brews it frequently for Ethan and I, Ethan gets nervous about quidditch and I get nervous." I chuckled, slightly embarrassed of being put on the spot.

"Very good. So, I presume you'll have no issue making it on your own, in-front of the class?"

I nodded, picking up my cauldron and setting it up at a boiling station. I added two cups of rain water, and put it onto medium heat. I felt a little warmth on my neck, from the amulet. I added a small scoop of powdered moonstone, unicorn horn, porcupine needles, and stirred lightly. I then added liquid hellebore. I picked up the valerian root, and shook my head. I always hated trying to cut them. I took my wand out, and the knife.

I inserted the knife into the side of the root, and pointed my wand, "Circumrota." The root rotated on the blade, creating several different pieces of the root.

"Shortcuts, Miss Priest?"

"Shortcut, no," I said, adding the root to the potion, "It's working efficiently, Professor."

After adding the root, I stirred the potion for a few more moments, until it turned a deep red, and added a pinch more of porcupine needle. It slowly simmered to a light grey, and I took it off heat.

"Satisfied, Professor?"

He took a look, stirred at it, sniffed it, "It's... satisfactory. Five points to Ravenclaw."

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