Chapter One: The Price of Shame

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"SIRIUS BLACK!" Lily yelled, stomping into the common room. She had never before been more upset with one of 'The Marauders,' as Remus had explained they called themselves. She slammed her palm on the table where James and Sirius were sitting, expecting to be met with defensiveness or a stupid attempt at feigning innocence.

But Sirius hardly reacted, not even glancing at her. She was taken aback for a moment, though it quickly morphed back into outrage towards the Black who must have had something to do with Remus leaving in the dead of night. She had heard this piece of distressing gossip from Marlene who had learned it from Peter who had been quite upset about his friend.

"What did you do?" she demanded, thinking this sort of silent treatment was a new diversion tactic in an attempt to escape her rage. But she still didn't get a response. Hating she had to make eye contact with James, she did so in hope of an explanation. Once more, she expected this to be a hoax or some new game. She was sure James would be looking downcast as well but she just knew that any minute the two of them would go off about the strangest buzzing sound or the weirdest feeling a ghost was trying to communicate with them, all while pointedly ignoring her. Oh yes, that would be just like the pair of morons!

Only that's not what this was as she quickly realized. For she did not find a failed attempt at hiding amusement nor the sort of puppy-dog excitement she had been growing accustomed to finding in James' eyes. Instead, he stared at her with a horribly lost expression that made her stomach drop.

"What did you do, Black?" she asked again, this time in a horrified whisper.

"Lily...don't..." James spoke up slightly, the bags under his eyes making his messy hair seem even worse this morning. Maybe they were hungover? That would also be like them. Anything was better than what she was quickly fearing had happened last night.

Of all nights, how could Remus' lycanthropy have been discovered last night? Oh Godric, please don't let me be right about this...

Remus had already seemed so upset after the Davey incident which Lily had truly thought she had managed to convince him was not his fault. She had believed Remus when he told her his ankle was hurting from the last full moon and he wanted to return to the dorm for the night. Lily had decided to retire for the night a bit later but not before climbing the stairs to check on Remus. She had known it was best that she made sure her foolish friend wasn't still beating himself up. She had knocked and then, though she wouldn't admit it to a soul, had peaked into the boy's dorm, only to find it empty. A bad feeling had started forming inside of her then and there. Only she had convinced herself that since James and Sirius were gone as well, the two had probably dragged Remus into some sort of reckless adventure and or mischief. Then, once she had reached the common room again, she found Peter sad about being left out. That had seemed to completely confirm her suspicions about the three boys being up to no good. While this had left her a tad bit disappointed in Remus for forgetting about Peter, she had also realized the sensitive werewolf might still be quite upset about the Whomping Willow tree attacking Davey.

But finding James and Sirius both looking like death she immediately knew what had happened. She barely resisted the urge to slap Sirius Black and James for good measure!

"How can you take his side? You promised, James Potter?" she snapped, angry tears already forming. She would never trust the stupid prat about anything ever again.

"I don't!" James retorted quickly, the sharp edge to his tone forcing her to realize he wasn't lying. There was a seriousness to his gaze, a sort of blazing protectiveness in his eyes that made her look away, feeling a slight flutter in her gut. Of course, James wouldn't betray Remus like that! She knew the massive git had many flaws, an infinite amount really, but being unfaithful to his friends wasn't one of them.

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