Chapter Sixty-Six: Out for Blood

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"Oh come on, Gid. I'm telling you that you've got this, no sweat, you'll see," Patricia hollered, slapping Gideon on the back. They were in Hogsmeade, their last chance of the year and therefore the last time they could all go together, at least with all of them being students.

"Pattycake, I swear if you don't shut the fuck up I'm going to haul you off to the Shrieking Shack," snapped Fabian, pressing the cool empty mug of Firewhisky to his head, sporting a headache as he always did when being in a crowd for the whole day.

"Piss off, Fibbin. He's got one day left before the final Triwizard Task, I'm trying to make sure our good chap Gid doesn't piss himself. What are you doing about it?" She stuck her tongue out at him, smirking as he couldn't quite keep the amusement off his face even as he dramatically rolled his eyes

"Waiting for the spectacle that will happen when he does piss himself," Fabian laughed, chortling harder when Gideon elbowed him roughly in response.

"Patricia is my new brother," Gideon shot back playfully, looking quite pale. In hindsight drinking right before the last chance that the champion had to perfect his strategy probably wasn't the best idea. But screw that! The twins were graduating and Patricia could no longer pretend the moment when the two would leave her behind wasn't coming. She tipped back another glass of Amber Youth to stop herself from crying. But of course, blasted Fabian could tell. That was the downside of sitting right next to the empath. He grabbed the glass away from her as she was knocking back the last bit of it, causing some alcohol to splash on her.


"You've had more than enough, Patricia," Fabian replied seriously. Gideon looked between the two of them, knowing Fabian only abruptly confiscated her fun when he knew she was feeling some dark emotions. Which basically meant all the damn bloody time. It wasn't fair!

"Don't get your knickers in a knot, Fibbin. You can have the dredges of my backwash if you insist," Patricia shot back sassily, crossing her legs and arms petulantly. Gideon scoffed at that. Fabian just looked at her with those ocean eyes of his in both depth and colour, not letting her get away with shit. She tried not to squirm under that unfazed piercing gaze of his. The twat was such a major goofball up until the exact moment he wasn't. It was like a switch that was flicked and it was a lot harder to turn the fun back on than it was to turn it off.

"Look, Patricia, you know us leaving isn't going to change anything, right? We are going to be friends forever," Fabian promised earnestly. Patricia pretended to gag in response.

"Even if Molly continues to loathe you," Gideon added in unhelpfully. Patricia stuck her middle finger up at the prat.

"Yes, even if our lovely doting Mollykins disapproves of you forever, you are still family," Fabian amended, a spark of amusement back in his eyes. Gideon was the one able to pull the other Prewitt back into a more lighthearted place relatively quickly. That was precisely why Paricia preferred to have them hang out as a trio, it was safer that way. She had the sneaking suspicion that Fabian knew that too, but he never protested. "But listen hear young lady, we are expecting you to pass down our legacy, not just as the greatest pranksters to grace the halls of Hogwarts but to help those who won't or can't help themselves."

"Yes, yes the lost souls. I will be their protector, never you fear," Patricia sighed, half sarcastically.

"I mean it, Pattycakes, those boys need your help. And if for no other reason I know you'll help them because you want them to help you in the Forbidden Forest with--"

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