Chapter Three: The Magic of Corbyn

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TW: Mentions of Abuse


James had felt a little better after talking to Lily a few days ago. He was planning to ask Dumbledore if he could visit Remus...when the time was right to do so. James also felt a little better after having Frank console him. The older boy had been concerned, only knowing there was some bad fight amongst the Marauders. So Frank had decided to take him flying and racing. James had obviously won.

But Sirius was another matter entirely. A matter that was causing the moments in which James felt better to be brief and which was preventing him from asking Dumbledore if he could visit Remus or not. James knew if Dumbledore said no, then he simply wouldn't be able to hold it together for his friend anymore.

He wanted to be mad with the wanker because all of this was honestly Sirius' fault. But it was hard to get angry at his friend when the prick's actions-or lack thereof- was making the chaser feel nothing but concern.

Whatever Patricia and Frank had said to Sirius did seem to calm him down some, he didn't fly off the handle exclaiming angrily at the smallest thing anymore, which was certainly an improvement. But Sirius didn't get out of bed, eat, or talk much at all. After three days of this James' worry was through the roof.

"James, what do we do? He needs to eat something," Peter pointed out, having given up on his silent treatment of the chaser who had explained to the younger boy that he was not at fault for why Remus left. Although...a part of him did feel some responsibility. Of course, Peter was still upset at James for not explaining what had happened. Peter was convinced he was being left out of something big...which he was

But James couldn't handle another person finding out about Remus. He knew that Peter would need to be included, eventually, but he wasn't sure how Peter would take it. Surely a hell of a lot better than Sirius did. Besides, James knew it needed to be Remus' decision when Peter found out.

Luckily, or perhaps unluckily, Peter's concern for Sirius won out over his anger with his friends. In fact, Sirius was causing such a stir that Patricia had suggested taking the moron to the matron, uncharacteristically worried about him. However, Frank had explained that it was okay to let Sirius have a few days to be sad. Since James liked that idea more he followed Frank's advice, figuring the matron wouldn't be too happy with Sirius either. If she knew? Surely she knew about Remus, which brought James some comfort since he had seen Madam Pomfrey's care for the werewolf. In fact, the matron's behaviour towards his friend made more sense now. James was sure the matron being accepting of Remus' condition could only be a positive thing...well maybe not for Sirius.

"I think we'll need to tell an adult after all, Peter," James concluded sadly. He knew Dumbledore had talked to Sirius, and apparently so had Professors McGonagall and Corbyn, but it hadn't seemed to have done much good. The Black heir was too bloody stubborn, even when it was ridiculous for him to be so. 

James had been sure that they were going to get suspended or even expelled after being discovered in the shack on that awful night. But the headmaster had merely asked politely if they knew where Remus was, instructed them to meet him in his office for tea and a late-night chat, and disappeared again. By the time James had gotten the withdrawn and forlorn Sirius to go with him the headmaster had already been to see Remus. Therefore Dumbledore had been able to assure them that their friend was unharmed and would be coming back to Hogwarts if he wished. James was glad to hear this, very glad since part of his worry had been if Remus would be in trouble and if so if his dad had hurt him. But Sirius hadn't even responded to that!

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