Chapter Twenty-Six: Charmed

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When James got up in the morning he was not surprised to see Remus gone, his bed made so neatly, that, as Sirius had pointed out more than once, it was like he was daring them to mess it up. Peter's soft snores was not a surprise either. James had been getting in the habit of waking up at the crack of dawn to get flying practice in and run a few laps so he could be an even better Quidditch player than he already was! While it was hard to believe he could get any better, James owed it to himself and his growing fan group that cheered his name rather than the other Gryffindor Quidditch players during practice.

James knew he had Peter to thank for rounding up nearly all the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff first and second years and even some third years who soon became avid fans of his. No surprise there! James was a little bummed that the Hufflepuffs who had been cheering him were making themselves scarce now that the Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff game was a little over a month away. James supposed he understood, loyalty to one's house was important. But that just made him want to try all the harder so that for his second game he could become an even more distinguished star than he had proven himself to be. He would lead his team to victory! Well, it would be his team one day.

As James brushed his teeth and avoided his father's Sleakeasys hair product since he knew it didn't do him a lick of good anyways, he mused about how Lily Evans would have to acknowledge his Quidditch prowess after the next game. James just hoped the Second Triwizard tournament being a mere week before the Quidditch game wouldn't completely overshadow the Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff game.

James walked out of the bathroom and stopped, realizing there was in fact something very surprising about this morning. Sirius wasn't in his bed, the blankets messily scattered about, one even on the floor stretching into Remus' floor space. James walked over to the bed kicking the blanket aside since he knew it bothered Remus even if he didn't say anything. James was quite certain Sirius knew as well but the berk wouldn't stop when the chaser told him to, insisting unless Remus said something about it himself that he wouldn't stop.

Where had Sirius gone?

His friend was by no means a morning person. Well, he was sometimes a morning person, but anytime the moron had that chaotic energy of his he woke the rest of them up. Perhaps Remus and Sirius had spent another night talking until dawn again? However, James hoped for both of their sanity this was not the case. He frowned, knowing the talk about the petition would not stop for a while and would no doubt ramp up during the weekend. James doubted Remus realized it but he suspected Lily had purposely moved her birthday party and was making it a big deal both to try to distract people from the Whomping Willow and, if possible, to take Remus' mind off it. Lily was just that selfless and kind and wonderful and brilliant and...

James shook his head, trying to let concern for Sirius pull him away from his inner awe with Lily, though he had to admit that was quite difficult. James had written his mum and dad about Lily, more than one letter, and their advice had been the same all seven times. 'Be patient, you are only twelve'. Well, he was going to turn thirteen soon! James loved his parents more than anything in the entire world, he'd even give up Quidditch for them if it was required, though it would be torture for him to do so.

"When you love, my sweet little Jamesy boy, you love with all your heart." His mum had written that to him and he knew it was right. James would also give up his life for his family and friends. James would even give up Quidditch for his friends, though he resisted saying things like that to Remus and Sirius because he knew how uncomfortable it made them. James knew they weren't used to love even if he couldn't know exactly what that meant. But anyone who hadn't grown up with parents like his seemed to be far less fortunate than him. 

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