Chapter Fifteen: The Test

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"What do you mean he called a Marauders meeting?" James asked, several broom bristles sticking out of his unruly hair as the result of Sirius whacking him over the head when he wasn't looking, the git.

"He actually said it? You aren't making it up?" Sirius asked, brushing the matching debris out of his own hair.

Peter shook his head, looking exasperated. "Of course he called a meeting. The two of you have been acting mental around him."

"Well, that's--" Sirius began defensively.

"We just..." James started to add quickly, cutting him off. 

"You're treating him differently. He doesn't want know he doesn't want that," Peter insisted, holding his ground surprisingly well. 

"But how do we come out and ask, do you know who bit you? How long have you been one? Does it actually hurt or is Madam Pomfrey really just being thorough?" Sirius stressed, sounding overwhelmed.

"Well...maybe don't ask him..." Peter suggested timidly, rushing on in explanation as Sirius shot him an angry look. "I'm not saying that we never ask him or give up but...well the first moon is coming up...maybe just give him some time. I mean he's here and he's alive so...maybe that can be enough for now?"

James met Sirius' eyes, surprised not to find disbelief or anger in them but rather a deep contemplation in them.

" might have a point, Peter..." Black replied slowly and Pettigrew beamed.

"Really?" Peter asked, sounding excited.

"I mean...we'll, we'll get to the bottom of it eventually," Sirius decided hesitantly. 

"The bottom of what exactly?" James asked with sneaking suspicion the boy wasn't just talking about the many truths they had yet to figure out about their friend.

"Cure lycanthropy of course," Sirius said with a completely straight face. James let out a disbelieving laugh which was quickly echoed by Peter. The daft lad frowned at both of them. "I'm serious."

"Oh, I'm aware you are Sirius and you, Sirius Black, are a lunatic!" James wheezed, still laughing at his crazy friend.

"Ha...ha...ha," Sirius dryly replied sarcastically. "Look I'm not completely mental you know. I'm not saying we'll do it this year or even next year but I reckon by the time of graduation we will be making good progress."

"Sirius, are you even listening to yourself? Cure lycanthropy? Is that even possible?" The chaser shook his head, choosing to be bemused rather than irritated.

"And if it was then someone would have done it by now," Peter added.

"No, they wouldn't. Think about it. Who is actually trying to? No one! So who's to say it can't be us? We're the smartest people I know. Grownups always think they are all that, but you know what, the truth is they get stuck in their ways and can't even imagine creative solutions anymore after a while," Sirius insisted, standing straighter with a hopeful gleam in his eyes and a passionate tone that James couldn't help but be inspired by.

"You know what. I think you might be right," James said slowly. 

"You guys, that's's mental, plus it could be really dangerous...If we try we could get hurt," Peter fretted.

"Better us than, Remus," Sirius stated matter of factly. James nodded eagerly though Peter didn't look so sure.

"Come on, Pettigrew, we have to try. We have to think of something to help him, we just have to," Potter urged, sticking his hand out. "Marauders for life?"

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