Chapter Fifty-One: The Wolves

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Lily didn't entirely mean to eavesdrop on Peter and James but they were talking in the common room! She knew the tone and volume of their conversation, taking place over by the large bay window, meant they didn't want anyone to butt in. But honestly, if they wanted a private conversation there was the easy answer of just speaking in their dorm. Lily even suspected James wanted her to overhear, though she supposed if he knew how she had been scooching her chair closer and closer he would have been gawking at her by now.

"What do you mean they went off together?" Peter asked worriedly, his face crumpling into disappointment. "Without me..." Then something dawned on the shorter boy. "Without you!"

James shifted, rubbing his arm before shrugging his shoulder in a poor attempt at apathy. "Yeah, but I don't care," the foolish boy lied, though his offence at being left behind was plain to see.

"You don't think Sirius is bullying Remus again?" Peter asked, his eyes now going almost comically wide. James' brows creased into a look he would get when actually focusing during their lessons.

"No, it's something different. But I don't know what. Remus didn't seem pressured into it at all and Sirius looked downright jolly," James pouted like the sore loser he was, though Lily couldn't help but be perplexed by this information as well. Remus and Sirius going somewhere by themselves didn't equate to 'no good' like it did when the latter disappeared with James, but it was still suspicious.

"We promised no secrets," Peter whined, joining James in his sulking. The two were practically throwing themselves a pity party. Lily was about to go over there and tell them it wasn't any of their business, despite burning with curiosity herself, when James let out a surprisingly bitter laugh. Lily was taken aback by how sad he looked while glancing around the common room quickly. She hid behind her book, waiting a few moments before peeking over it. She needed to be watching the two boys' mouths as it helped her piece together their quiet discussion.

"Sirius hasn't said anything about spring break and we all know Remus has secrets a mile thick," James grumbled.

Peter patted his friend's shoulder in consolation, though looked a bit cheery despite everything. "We can hang out while we wait for them and I'm sure we can get one of them to tell us what happened."

"I just don't understand, Peter. I mean I know why Remus is the best equipped to talk to Sirius and all that, but...that doesn't mean the bleeding git can't talk to me at all. Sirius and I are best friends."

Lily actually felt a bit bad for the boys but their conversation was halted by Patricia coming over and throwing her arms around the lads' shoulders.

"Oi, you twats, where are the other twats? Never mind that, let's talk somewhere private," Patricia stated casually, though shot Lily a pointed look as she ushered the boys up the stairs to their dorm. Lily felt guilty, but she was mostly irritated with the older woman. Patricia could be so commandeering! Lily knew the boys needed it from time to time, but still.


Sirius felt giddy walking beside Remus as they headed for the forest with the sun setting behind them. The refreshing spring air tugged playfully at his hair and the crisp smell of trees grew stronger the closer they got. Despite having travelled through the thick cascade of trees several times now, Sirius still felt the thrill. He had to resist the urge to hold his friend's hand, a little worried that if he didn't the boy would change his mind and run away, but he managed. Remus led him to the outer edge of the Forbidden Forest where Care of Magical Creatures was sometimes held and therefore wasn't 'technically' off-limits for students. Though if they were caught out here after hours they would be done for. The scent of pine trees hit Sirius' nose and he inhaled deeply, grinning. He was going to associate pine with the day Remus decided to trust him with something super important forever.

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