Chapter Thirty-Eight: Fibbin and Ribbing

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Patricia did not enjoy the party after Remus left, ticked off by how cruel everyone had been to the 'out of it' boy. Calling him Loony Lupin was uncalled for, and it took her a while to hunt the bastard down who started the nickname. Once she had gotten to the bottom of the rumors, the tipsy seventh year she cornered had tried to defend himself...well until she had punched him so hard that he had sloshed the rest of his drink all over his clothes. The fact that the seventh year ended up being Charleen's - one of her roommates - boyfriend was a mere perk really. Despite not having found Remus, Patricia's spirits had been suitably lifted, and she managed to escort Fabian to his room. 

He had been tipsy enough to be around the party, until the absolute moronic Prewett had tried to focus on Remus. The twat had then ended up getting such a deluge of feelings, that -after several solid minutes of incoherent thought - he experienced what he explained to be similar to 'the worst hangover ever.' Patricia got Fabian settled, not one for nurturing but more than able to go get the shit he requested. She left him slouched against the headboard, returning to press an enchanted cold cloth to his forehead. She pushed aside a large pile of clean clothes and splayed her long limbs across the other end of the four-poster bed. Spying her stereo on the floor, she hauled it onto the sheets.

The two of them busied themselves with tinkering with the enchanted stereo Gideon and Fabian had gotten her for her birthday. The stereo had been hers until the wankers had stolen it back because they had gotten their hands on the newest David Bowey album. Patricia was irritated as she had been trying to listen to the lyrics of "Queen Bitch", letting herself get lost in the lyrics and the alcohol-induced spinning to her brain, before Fabian had to open his mouth and ruin it.

"Remus reminds you too much of yourself, Patricia. You won't be able to help him if you take it too personally." Fabian pointed it out quietly, but it was enough to jar the mood.

"Then how about you help him, you wanker," Patricia grumbled in response.

Fabian let out a slight laugh. "You're letting these Marauder boys take up the flame of the pranks, which is fine, but you clearly care about them no matter how much you complain...and Remus is hurting."

"I already took him quaffle smacking," Patricia grumbled, surprised by the shock that filled Fabian's eyes upon hearing this.

"Patricia, tell me you didn't!"

"What? It worked...I think."

"My mum has helped a lot of lost souls - being a healer and all - and she's taught me and Gid many things. Except I listened because I'm not thick like Gideon is, mind you," Fabian snickered slightly then pressed forward, " One of the most repeated lessons she taught us was you can't force the healing! Our mum said it would be like tightly holding together the pieces of a broken clay pot, you'd just break it further."

Patricia knew Fabian was trying to make some profound point, but the alcohol was making it hard to even pretend to care at the moment. "Well that would be a real dumbass move considering you could just magic the thing back together!" she exclaimed, quite proud of herself for her cleverness. Fabian shot her a very pointed look - one that he had inherited from his mum, or older sister, or both. That was the look that said "enough bullshit."

But Patricia was filled with shit, quite literally, her drunken brain unhelpfully reminded her. What were they even talking about again?

"You've lost track of the conversation haven't you," Fabian sighed, knowing her and her drunk self far too damn well. She didn't try to hide it, and just nodded, attempting to strike a solemn look. She failed hopelessly and ended up giggling at Fabian's face, which was clearly the funniest thing in the whole world.

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