Chapter Fifty: Think Before You Speak

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"I don't want to talk about it," had been the summed-up responses of James trying to speak to his friends about their spring breaks, just delivered at different times. Sirius arrived at James halfway through the break, stepping out of the Potter's fireplace with unusual shyness until he was literally greeted with open arms. It didn't take long for James to realize his friend wasn't going to say a word about his first part of the break. However, the fact that Sirius had hurriedly packed his stuff and while snooping James found a majority of the chocolate gone, had been telling information. 

They didn't see Remus until the ride back to Hogwarts, the tired boy who was supposed to have returned earlier nearly missing the train. He had given the excuse he had been lost which might have been true if his dishevelled appearance was anything to go by. Peter and James exchanged a worried glance about both quiet boys but silently agreed not saying anything was best at the moment. Whatever the reason was for Remus' tardiness he looked awful and was so exhausted he passed out about as soon as he sat down on the bench. Whether the lad had strategically slept the whole time to avoid questions or not he remained passed out the entire long ride back to Hogwarts.

This had not improved Sirius' mood who glowered out the window. Therefore the ride back to Hogwarts proved to be even quieter than the one from school. They had to help Remus to the dorm and the boy collapsed again, sleeping so long that they tossed around the idea of getting the matron. But Remus had woken shortly after they contemplated if Pomfrey would be needed or not, though he didn't answer any questions. This led to Sirius yelling and before James knew it his two friends were screaming at each other, even Remus! 

It was the first time Potter had witnessed Lupin so angry, who had thrown back Black's accusations about being maddeningly secretive in the boy's face, accusing him of the very same flaw. James and Peter had weakly tried to stop the fight, but unlike when Sirius and the quidditch player fought, there was no risk of physical altercation and damage and they both actually expressed a desire to be alone with each other. James still would have stayed with them but both shouting boys seemed adamant about their roommates leaving. At a loss and left with no choice James had conceded. When Sirius stormed downstairs nearly half an hour later, the only explanation given was "Remus is asleep again. Don't wake him, the bloody bastard needs it."

The next few days had been unbearably tense and almost made James wish that Lily hadn't been successful in getting Remus another chance at their potion team for the YSCs. Even Regulus had seemed surprised by the animosity between Sirius and Remus and perhaps relieved the oldest Black brother's glares hadn't been directed at him. Christine had either been oblivious or pretended to be while continuing the further instruction at brewing veritaserum, cautioning them that next week for their practice round she would be leaving it up to them. 

The tension between Remus and Sirius fizzled some by the time their next meeting with the team occurred. It was hard to be mad at anyone on top of how disappointed they all were in how completely botched their practice round of veritaserum was turning out to be. James forced himself not to look at Lily whose hair was frizzing very badly from the steam emanating from the cauldron. They all had hair that stuck up from the static and steam in the air. What became apparent by the second time their team met after spring break was that Regulus didn't seem intimidated by Sirius in the least, probably because he knew Remus' secret, and the prat tried to be a glory hog both times.

"Alright, I think you guys managed something almost passable for the first attempt. Not half bad even if it was the girl power that carried your asses to the finishing line," Christine murmured, coming around and scooping the potion into a beaker. James didn't think the colour was right, but at this point nothing could be done to change it. At least it was only their first practice. Christine had been correct in pointing out Lily's unmistakable skill in getting them this far. Last year James would have been irritated but he didn't feel as much of a need to compete with the redhead and even felt some genuine pride at her impressive accomplishment. 

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