Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Bountiful Badgers

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After being interrupted, from trying to tell Ryan he had lied about being an orphan, by some Hufflepuff crawling out into the hallway, Remus took a few steps forward, silently signaling to Ryan the conversation was over. The Slytherin passed the Gryffindor, heading away from the corner they had hidden behind. Ryan waved at whoever was there, leaving the werewolf to follow after him.

"Umm, excuse me, can you let us in?" Ryan asked, walking forward quickly and intercepting a girl who couldn't be much older than them. Remus marvelled over the way the girl smiled, not asking any question, simply stopping the barrel hatch from closing. If it had been a Gryffindor girl Ryan never would have gotten in since while Remus had on the tie, the boy was still wearing his Slytherin robes with the emblem embroidered on the front.

"Glad to have more joining the party. What's your name lads?" she asked in a heavy Scottish accent. There was no suspicion to her tone, just genuine curiosity.

"I'm Ryan and this is Re...Rex," Ryan finished awkwardly, his face going red. The girl raised an eyebrow and giggled slightly at the ridiculous name causing Remus' cheeks to go pink.

"Whatever you say, boys. Have you been in the common room before or should I give you a tour?"

"Oh we haven't..." Ryan glanced at Remus for confirmation of this fact and he nodded. "But there's no need for you to bother with a tour especially since you were heading somewhere."

"Names Alice by the way and I don't mind. I was just going to kitchens to refill the snacks but we Hufflepuff's pride ourselves on having the best hospitality in the castle, besides the darling house-elves of course. Right this way, gentlemen," the kind Hufflepuff replied, looking quite pleased to be bringing guests into her home. Both boys exchanged a hesitant look, neither of their houses particularly hospitable nor this trusting of strangers and the same question flashed through their minds, 'was this a trap.' But Alice truly seemed sincere and Remus hadn't met a Hufflepuff so far that he hadn't found to be nice, even though he didn't know many of them, so they followed her. They had to crouch low, practically crawl, to get through the barrel. Then the tunnel they had found themselves in sloped down and was soon deep enough that they were able to stand. 

Remus smiled at the passage lit with little blue fairy lights that were twinkling, illuminating a part of the moss-covered walls. Ryan was walking with his hand touching the moss and the tension in his shoulders seemed to leave. Behind the Slytherin, Remus was the last to enter the Hufflepuff common room which upon entering filled him with a bit of jealousy. The round low ceiling common room was filled with colourful flowers and plants. There were small low windows positioned just right to let the light the plants needed come through during the day. If Gryffindor's common room was cosy the Hufflepuff common room was homely, the walls decorated with art that seemed to be created by the recipients of the house. There was a smiling portrait of Helga Hufflepuff, lifting a goblet to toast all those gathered. But by far the best part of the common room was that their idea of a party consisted of several small groups crowded around different tabletop games, drinking frothing butterbeer and eating an assortment of sweets that would leave Peter drooling. Remus let out a delighted laugh unable to help himself and Alice beamed at him.

"Isn't it just lovely?" she asked excitedly, several Hufflepuff's turning away from their games to watch the newcomers with smiles.

"The best!" Remus replied just as enthusiastically, blushing as there was a smattering of applause from the students who were probably delighted anytime a newcomer was enamoured with their common room. Remus couldn't help thinking he would have been happier if he had been placed in Hufflepuff, though he supposed the wooden rocking chairs and tables weren't anywhere near as comfy as the plush chairs and couches of Gryffindor. Remus realized Ryan hadn't said anything, he seemed rather out of place amongst the warm yellows of the common room, the tension back in his shoulders.

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