Chapter Twenty-Two: The Right Way?

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"Take your seats class, take your seats. We have a guest coming today," their professor instructed. Remus walked past Lily who was too busy talking to her friend Mary to notice and without a word went back and sat in the last row with the other Marauders. James seemed a bit surprised but Sirius just grinned and gestured for Remus to sit next to him. Remus hesitated but did so, unsure if James and Sirius were consciously sitting with him in the middle to somehow protect him or if they had just done it unconsciously. Either way, Remus appreciated it and allowed himself to feel some comfort in his friends, reminding himself that the likelihood of Mr. Howell returning was slim.

"Not another monster I hope," Thayer grumbled, looking around at his fellow Slytherins' for their approval of the comment but no one paid him any attention as the guest entered. Remus resisted the urge to bury his face in his hands. Professor Corbyn had really gone and done it this time!

Several Slytherins scrambled onto their desks while multiple students from both houses pulled out their wands with varying levels of forced bravery etched on their faces.

"Calm down e iz armless," Hagrid assured the class, allowing none other than Skipper to walk beside him, not even on a leash. Skipper's ears were perked happily and he did not seem to care about the ten or so wands pointed at him. He even wagged his tail!

"Skipper, what are you doing here?" Remus asked, careful to make sure the words were just in his head.

"Wanted to see you, human brother. Silverstream would not come back to the humans but Skipper wanted to."

Remus shut his eyes, trying to concentrate on the confusing jumble of words that he was hearing in his mind.

"Slow down, Skipper, you're talking too fast," Remus explained, completely losing track of what Hagrid or their professor was saying but assuming it was more or less effective as the wands had been retracted and everyone was back in their seats, albeit wearily.

"Human brother, human brother, Silverstream sick you must help."

"What?" Remus asked, split between trying to pay attention in class and paying attention to the young wolf whose lack of fear around humans was certainly concerning.

"Now I have been informed that you have already had one of the Forbidden Forests wolves visit your class, though Hagrid this is a different wolf, correct?"

"That iz correct sir, most of em didn't want to come but this feller did." Hagrid clarified, patting Skipper's head who was still trying to communicate a great deal of information to Remus. But the overwhelmed boy simply could not follow two conversations at once. Making up his mind Remus closed his eyes again.

"Skipper. Talk after class."


"Talk...later, after other humans leave."

"Human brother ashamed?"

Remus winced and shook his head. "No, just...need to focus."

He wasn't sure if Skipper understood but the young wolf had quieted down, now laying beside Hagrid, looking at each and every student as if trying to count how many humans would have to leave until he could talk to Remus.

"That is correct, these are not ordinary wolves but they are awfully close to them. Hagrid has confirmed that their intelligence is quite high from the Centaurs. I believe this one's great-grandfather was a werewolf, correct Hagrid?" Professor Corbyn asked. The large man shrugged in reply, looking about as out of place as Skipper who seemed to finally realize the hostility and fear being directed his way. He even raised his hackles, letting out a low growl at a Slytherin who had scoffed and muttered about how werewolves were such monsters.

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