Ew detention

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Aizawa walks into the classroom on Monday, and is met with one hell of a scene.

He shouldn't be surprised. He really shouldn't. But he freezes at the sight anyway, before sighing all of his disappointment to the two standing right in the middle of it all.

"Bakugo, Kaminari, detention this afternoon."

"What!" Kaminari argued, "what did I do!!"

"For a week."

Kaminari's eyes widened in panic.

"Wait no! No don't do-" he was cut off by Bakugo slamming his hand over his mouth, and for a second, the class sat in silence, watching as Mr Aizawa stared at the two piercingly, taking a moment to think.

"A month."

"Now look what you've done dunce face!" Bakugo hissed in his ear.

"Bakugo let go of Kaminari before I make it longer," Aizawa said tiredly, and Bakugo practically threw Kaminari towards his desk, before going down to sit at his own, grumbling about 'shitty dunce face getting him way too fucking much shitty detention'.

The class dispersed, away from the giant mess that had been caused.

"You two can spend this afternoon cleaning that up. But for now, we'll get on with class."

Kaminari groaned into his desk quietly. He didn't want detention. Nonetheless for a month. Nonetheless with Bakugo.

Even if they weren't weirdly estranged soulmates, being the reason that Bakugo had extra detention was never exactly on his bucket list.


"Woooow, hi Kacchan, funny seeing you here?" Kaminari laughed hesitantly, stepping into the classroom for his detention.

"Shut the fuck up dunce face before I blast your ass to hell," Bakugo growled threateningly from his desk.

"Oookay then," Kaminari sat in a desk as far as physically possible from Bakugo, and they sat in silence for a minute.

Kaminari was about to open his mouth and ask where Aizawa was, when he appeared in the doorway.

"You have to stay here for an hour. You won't be able to leave. I'm not kidding don't even try, there's a quirk. Do your homework or something. No talking."

Then he turned on his heel and left again.

Kaminari sighed and pulled his homework out of his bag. Might as well make the most of this and get some shit done.


"Bakugo! You're back!" Kirishima called out from his spot on the couch next to Mina. "How was detention?!"

"Just as shitty as it sounds like," Bakugo complained, flopping on the couch next to Kiri. "Got some homework done though."

"Are you still helping me out with maths?"

"Of course shitty hair, what else would I do to waste away my afternoon?" Bakugo responded in a sarcastic tone.

"Man that's a bit mean," Kiri responded, a little bit hurt, and still unsure of whether Bakugo was going to tutor him or not.

Bakugo, however, noticed this, and seemed to hesitate.

"Sorry," he said quickly, before grabbing Kirishima by the wrist. "I meant that you'll be coming to my room tonight to study."

Kirishima's face lit up.

"Really?! You'll let me into your room?!"

Bakugo rolled his eyes.

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