Mina says hi

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"Oh my gosh Kami babes are you ok?!" Mina screeches into the ward, where Denki is sitting on his bed.

"Haha, don't worry Mina, I'm completely fine, just hurts, s'all," he grinned back at her, and it was true, he did look completely fine.

Regardless, Mina patted him down, checking him for injuries and making sure his head was on properly.

"Do you know what happened?!" She asked, just as Kirishima and Sero came puffing into the room, and Kami heard something like "fucking hell mina, could have waited."

"Well the nurses suspect it was a relapse of that quirk I got hit with on camp." He held his arms out. "See? All pain, no injury."

"Oh thank god! We heard for Mr Aizawa that you were in the medical ward, but then we also heard from someone else that there had been deranged screaming coming from the ward, and then Bakugo came back and started acting all weird and..."

Kaminari let his attention drift away from Mina's rambling for a couple seconds, and instead looked at the two boys behind her.

You good dude? Kirishima communicated through a concerned raising of his eyebrows.

I'm good, he said back with a grin and a sparkle in his eye.

Tell us if Mina's harassing you, I'm sure me and Kiri can figure out a way to make her back off if you need the space, Sero said with a single knowing glance.

Nah, it's fine, she's just worried, he replied.

"-and what is that you're holding in your hand?!" Kaminari's conversation is brought to a grating half and Mina leans across the bed (and Kami) to see what he's holding in his hand.

A wave of panic overcomes Denki as he jerks and (not so subtly) shoves the thing under his leg.

"What do you mean there's nothing in my hand," he asks innocently.

"You know what I mean Kami I saw it it was like a photo or something. You're literally sitting on it!"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," he said with a malicious grin.

"Kaminariiiiiii, stop ittttttt, you're being annoying," she whined, trying to force him to roll over.

"Only for you," he replies, his grin only growing.

She struggles for a few more seconds before giving up with a huff.

"You're no fun," she complains, while the boys all just laugh. Mina looks around, offended.

"Well if you're going to be like that, I'm going to leave," she declares, before marching out of the room.

Kaminari grins at his two remaining friends and they grin back.

"BOYS," they hear Mina yell from down the hallway, and they both stand up and bolt out the door.

See ya, Sero mouths through to doorframe, before disappearing out of sight.

"See ya," Kaminari mutters to no one in particular, before letting out a deep breath he DEFINITELY knew he was holding.

He could feel his heart pounding in his chest loudly and quickly. He pulled the photo out from under his leg, taking long breathes to slow down his heart and help the adrenaline dissipate.

It was dumb of Mina's curiosity to send him into such a panic, but in the moment he'd felt like a total deer in headlights.

He'd only been looking at it when she barged in, he'd found it on the table beside his bed.

It wasn't much, just a picture of the squad. It was kinda cute actually. He had no clue who had left it there, didn't even know who would own such a picture, considering he'd just seen Mina, Kiri and Sero, and the picture had been there since he'd worked up. And the last thing he could remember was...

Kaminari remembered now. When Mina has burst in, Kaminari had not been inspecting the picture. He'd been looking at the picture, but his mind had been somewhere else.

Somewhere between two strong arms, pulled up against someone's chest. Somewhere filled with concern, concern only for him. Someone brushing the hair out of his eyes, trying to calm him down, help him in some way.

Kaminari's face flushed again. He did not need to revisit that particular train of though. Ever again.

"Fucking hell," Kaminari groaned into the bed covers.

Everything after that moment had been a blur of pain and colours, but he did very specifically remember being tightly held by Bakugo.

And as much as Kaminari already didn't need his crush on Kirishima, Bakugo was extremely hot.

He let out a strained chuckle.

What can I say, he thought to himself, ignoring the weird looks he was getting from recovery girl's assistant nurses.

I'm a simp.

Gaaaah. It kills me how short this part is, but I need to post it, I can't end it another way. But um, be ready for everything to fall apart in 2-4 chapters.

If you build a wall wrong, the only way to fix it is to smash it down and put it together all over again :)

The Hands At My Throat - kiribakukami soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now