Another villain was there..?

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Kirishima needs to get out immediately. If he doesn't, the tears that have been threatening to fall might finally decide to do so.

He grabs the handle of the door, but just as he's about to open it, it opens by itself, shoving Kirishima backwards, and revealing a tall skinny man.

"Huh? Who are you?" Kirishima asks, spite still woven through his voice.

The tall man looks down, almost as if noticing Kirishima for the first time.

"I was informed that the injured people were in here," he says formally.

"Oh, yeah," Kiri steps back to let the man in, and all he anger seeps out of him.

"Kaminari's over here, you should fix him first," he says as he leads the man further into the cabin.

The man bends over and takes hold of Kami's wrist. Suddenly, a soft, glowing aura seeps from the man's hand and into Kaminari.

"I've heard of the quirk of your recovery nurse," he says to break the awkward silence. "She has a very powerful quirk. For mine, I have to consciously heal a person with my own energy and life force. It doesn't take a great deal of consentration, but it does take a while. I'm assuming you two are also injured, so you'll have to wait a while, especially considering how badly hurt this boy is."

Kirishima nods and sits back down next to Bakugo, where he was before. He doesn't look at him.

"So, How are you two acquainted?" The man tries to start up some conversation. From what Kirishima can tell, he's very socially awkward and is grasping at straws. Instead of responding, the two of them sit in silence.

Kirishima watched Kaminari. His wounds don't seem to be healing. Maybe they're being done one at a time?

As he continues to watch, he sees some of the shallower ones begin to close up. He can't see the deeper ones, since they're underneath bandaging.

Then all of a sudden, the man lets go and stands up.

"All done," he announces, then moves over to Bakugo, grabbing his wrist. Bakugo tries to push away, but that obviously hurts his wound, because he winces in pain and stops.

Then Kaminari opens his eyes.

"Huh..? What happened..."

"Kaminari!" Kirishima jumps up and runs over to him.

But Kaminari's eyes widen, and he scrambles away. Kiri stops.

"Kami? What's wrong?"

"Huh? Nothing!" If Kiri had only been listening to his voice, he would have believed him, but his body language said otherwise.

Kaminari looks down at his bloody bandages.

"Oh! This doesn't hurt anymore, can I take these off?" He looks towards the tall man, who's still healing Bakugo, who nods.

"Wicked," he comments, peeling off the bandages while rolling off the bed, still keeping his distance from Kirishima.

"I need to go talk to Mr Aizawa, I'll be right back ok?"

And just like that, he leaves the cabin.

"That was weird," Kirishima comments to Bakugo, before remembering that they weren't speaking.

"Redhead, come over here," the man calls, releasing Bakugo, who stretches to test his healed wounds.

Kirishima walks over, and the man takes his arm. Then, as he watches the golden aura seep into his skin, he feels his injured arm warm up and go pleasantly tingly. He can sense the wound slowly healing from the inside, with all the dried blood slowly getting out of the way as well.

It was really weird.

By the time it's done, Kirishima looks around and Bakugo's no where to be seen.

I should've guessed it, he thought, before making his own way out of the cabin.

The entire class is already back from training. Kaminari is talking to Mr Aizawa, who is looking more and more concerned.

"What happened?" Kirishima asked Mina.

"I was gonna ask you the same thing," she responded.

"Alright everyone! Change of plans! We'll be having a different afternoon activity! There was another attacker yesterday, and you're gonna catch him! He's not that strong, pretty harmless, but his quirk makes you go through pain, without any actual injury. Catch him."

And with that, Aizawa shuffles back to his cabin.

"Ok, let's go find him then," Kirishima says, grabbing for Kaminari's hand. But Kaminari pulls his hand away.

"No. I mean... uh... I think I just wanna stay here and rest up, you know? Still recovering from these wounds and all."

Kirishima raises his eyebrow at the comment, considering Kami's just been sleeping for an entire day. But he ignores it.

"Is that why you got so bashed up? Because of the pain dude."

"The pain certainly... distracted me. It was kinda so bad that I didn't even feel the pain of the creatures ripping me. But yeah."

Kirishima nodded. He obviously didn't want to talk about it.

"Rest up then dude," he says, moving over to be involved in the search conversation.


Kaminari was confused. It was almost as if he was forgetting something. Not something about the attack. But something he knew during the attack.

Something that made him terrified of Kirishima.

It wasn't when they were talking. Just when Kiri reached out to touch him.

He was also completely terrified of finding that man again.

But he wasn't going to admit that. As Kirishima would say, it's unmanly.

So instead, he was gonna go back into the cabin, and get some 'rest'.



"Bring him over here," Bakugo huffed, obviously in charge of the operation.

"Oi, you, whatta ya gotta say for yourself?" He growled, crouching down to face the man, as two people held him carefully by the sleeves, sure not to touch his skin.

"How's your little friend going?" He said to himself.

"What do you mean, he's doing fine," Bakugo growled, but it was a growl that didn't reveal any emotion.

"Nah, he's not."

"What's your quirk done to him," Bakugo demanded.

"Oh, not much really. It just revealed all the pain he'll ever go through, only momentarily. But he's probably still feeling the remnants of the emotional pain."

The villain grinned manically.

"You know you're going to jail right?" Bakugo said to the cheerful man on the ground.

"I know! Isn't it funny?! I ruin his life for a week and you ruin mine forever. Karma's wonderful like that!"

"You got him?" Aizawa asked, finally arriving.

"Yup, he's here. And crazy as a nut. Just take him."

Everyone starts to chat amongst themselves, and Bakugo hears Kiri talking to Mina.

"Yeah, he was acting weirdly actually. Every time I reached out to help him, he would flinch away, and make excuses. Maybe that has something to do with it?"

What did that guy really do to Kaminari?

It's been a hot second hasn't it lol.
I didn't have much motivation to do this chapter, so it took like 3 days. Sorry. But I'm happy with how it turned out in the end.
Next chapter is Kiri and Bakugo making up (yay). And Kami being more upset, because *angst.*
You should know by now that I love my angst.

The Hands At My Throat - kiribakukami soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now