He just keeps dreaming

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Kaminari was sitting in his room, staring at his maths homework when someone knocked on his door.

"Who is it?" He asked hesitantly.

"It's me," Mina's voice called through the wood.

"Oh, come in then."

She opened the door and peered in, but didn't enter.

"Just here to say that dinner's being made. Since you're better and all-"

"I'm not going."

When Mina gave him a look, he explained further.

"I don't wanna risk it. Just in case being around everyone makes it worse again, I'm gonna stay by myself for tonight."

"Awww Kami baby you must be so lonely."

Kaminari groaned.

"You have no idea Mina. This is the first proper conversation I've had in days I'm going insane!" He laughed forcefully to make it seem less of a deal than it was.

"Hey, how about I spend the evening with you? I could go grab some food and then we could chat."

Kaminari nodded gratefully, and watched as she disappeared from the doorway, closing the door behind her.

She came back with the food, and then started going on about how Todoroki had started hanging out with Midoriya more and so the girls had gotten to spend some more time with Ururaka.

Kaminari enthusiastically joined in the conversation. He was so socially starved, he could talk about anything.


"See ya!" Mina waved, before pulling the door shut behind her.

Kaminari waved, even though she wasn't looking. It was only 9:30, but he was bored and didn't really want to go on his phone, so he just started getting ready for bed.

He was just brushing his teeth when he heard a knocking on the door.

"Who is it?" He said through his toothbrush.

"Hey Kami, it's me," Kirishima's voice came through. Kaminari felt his heart jump into his throat.

It's ok, it's fine. It's just Kiri.


A silence.

"I was just coming to see how you're doing? Mina said you should be better by tomorrow."

"Yeah. It's calming down. It'll be better by tomorrow."

"Cool. I miss having you around dude."

Kaminari spat out his toothpaste in his sink.

"Yeah. I miss being around."

Another couple moments of quiet.

"Well. I'll see you tomorrow, ok?"

"Yeah. See ya."

He heard Kirishima's footsteps walk away from his dorm, and he let out a puff of relief.

That was sweet of Kirishima to stop by. He didn't have to, but he did anyway.

Kaminari grinned to himself, then caught himself.

Nope, he thought stubbornly, no romantic thoughts about the guys who's already met his soulmate.

He walked over to his bed, continuing to not think about Kirishima's smile, and flopped into his covers.

He rubbed his eyes. He was really tired, this damn quirk was damaging his quality of sleep. Even the days he did get a full night of sleep, he still felt like trash.

The Hands At My Throat - kiribakukami soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now