Aizawa's cabin

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After lunch, they got right into the teamwork exercise. Kaminari sighed, because he knew that he'd have to suck it up and deal with being tense the entire time.

Thankfully, when they got put into teams of three, he got put with Tsu and Ururaka, neither of which would bother him.

Or so he thought.

"Hey Kaminari! We have a pretty good team, kero!"

Suddenly, images flashed through his mind, he remembered screaming and shouting and a steady beeping.

"We have a pretty good team today!"

And then he forgot it all again. But his body didn't.

He leant over and covered his mouth with his hand, trying to stop himself from throwing up.

"Kaminari! Are you ok?" Ururaka rushes over to him and puts her hand on his back. Kami steadies his breathing, and when he's sure his lunch is going to stay in his stomach, he stands up straight again.

"Sorry, didn't mean to worry you guys," he chuckles nervously. "Just the quirk acting up again."

By then Tsu has also made her way over. Her presence didn't freak him out, so he figured it had been what she'd said, not her herself.

"If you say so, kero. Just take it easy ok?"

Kaminari nodded. Usually, he would get frustrated about all the pity, but he honestly needed it. If anything, he just wanted this trip to be over and done with already. At least then he could waste away the effects of this stupid quirk at home in his room by himself. Or even just in the dorm room.

Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Kirishima sending worried glances over his way, before looking away again.

"Alright kids, we're playing cops and robbers. I'll assign your team as either cops or robbers, and you need to try and complete the appropriate task before the other team!"

Kaminari sighed again, as Aizawa explained that cops would need to 'capture' the robbers, and robbers would need to retrieve certain items around the area.

"Teamwork is key. Going out on your own won't work, and take your teammates' opinions into account. You're a team, not a task force." Aizawa gave a pointed look to Bakugo, which made Kaminari laugh, rather loud in fact.

"Shut it dunce face," Bakugo growled, which only made him laugh again, ignoring the fear that was twisting in his stomach.

"You'll be paired with another team, now let's go."

They all got up and followed their teacher into the forest.

They ended up being paired up with Mina, Tokoyami and Kirishima, which Kaminari wasn't too pleased about.

At this rate, I'm going to start hating Kirishima, he thought sadly. But he couldn't help it, the only thing he could associate with Kiri right now was feeling terrible.

Kirishima gave him a small wave, but Kaminari just looked away. From the corner of his eye, he could see Kiri's smile drop.

I'm sorry Kiri, he thought. I just need to avoid you for a while.


The cops and robbers game couldn't have gone more slowly. Because of his quirk, Kirishima got put on guard duty, while the rest of the team set out to capture people.

He had to forcefully keep them in 'prison', meaning if they tried to escape, he had to physically stop them.

It was training after all.

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