The prank

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"Ok, you guys distract him. Shouldn't be too hard, ok?" Mina whispered to Sero and Kirishima. This was gonna be priceless.

"How're you even going to manage this?" Sero asked.

"He's so tired these days, I could probably punch him in the face and he wouldn't notice. It'll work a charm. Do you both understand?"

The two boys nodded and, seeing the electric blond walk into the room, quickly dispersed.

"Heyyyyyy, Kaminari!" Sero announces.

"Oh! Kiri, Sero. You two are up early."

It was only about 7 in the morning, but it was a Sunday, and nobody in the bakusquad usually got up any earlier than 10 on the weekends.

Except Bakugo. Bakugo was special though.

"Seriously man! I was the one talking to you, but you noticed Kiri first! We're supposed to be best bros, you better not be playing favourites!"

Sero laughed it off, he was just trying to buy time while Mina got into position. But Kami didn't know that.

"Huh!? What?! No?! Favouritism? Haha..." he panicked, thinking Sero had figured something out.

Luckily, Sero and Kirishima kept rambling on, as if nothing had happened. So he let his guard down.

He was so lethargic that he could barely concentrate on where the conversation was going, and they could tell. They gave Mina the signal, and she crept up behind him.

He felt the choker slide of his neck a second too late.

He spun around, and reached out to grab Mina, but she deftly avoided him, then sprinted away up the stairs.

He turned back around to see that Sero and Kirishima has also swiftly made their escape, their giggles drifting down the hall.

No, no this can't be happening.

"Mina come back!" He yelled out, heart hammering before he even started running.

He sprinted up after her, but he knew by then it was too late. She could have escaped into any floor, then into any room.

He ran all the way to the top of the building and ran down the hallway of the top floor.

"MINA COME OUT!" He yelled.

"This isn't as funny as you think it is..." he murmured to himself nervously.

He ran back to the stair well, and went down one level. He checked it before going down again. He started anxiously scratching his neck where he usually fiddled with his choker.

He was sprinting down the third layer when he heard the click of a door opening. He slowed a little with relief.

"MINA. Thank god can I please have my-"

Then he ran into someone who most definitely was not Mina.

He fell over with an oof, and hit the ground hard. He looked up and saw Bakugo's looming figure seething down at him.

Not good, he thought in a panic and, whilst struggling to get in breaths after winding himself, he stood up as quickly as he could on wobbly feet, and was completely ready to sprint away.

Bakugo had other plans.

"WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING EXTRA!" He raged, swinging a blast right into his face. Kaminari squeaked and dodged the blast, and tried to run away, but his escape was blocked by Bakugo's right hand.

A right hand which grabbed him right by the neck and slammed him into the wall.

"You've been working on you predictably," Kaminari squeaked out, remembering when a while ago, Midoriya had pointed out that Bakugo tended to start with a quick right hook.

Bakugo pushed Kami's left shoulder into the wall and quickly shut him up by squeezing harder around his neck, and Kaminari began to choke.

He brought his hands up and started clawing at Bakugo's fingers. But all of a sudden Bakugo froze, rendering his hand immovable.

Starting to get desperate, Kaminari reached out and attempted to push Bakugo away from him. He was aiming for the chest, but ended up missing as his mind went foggy from lack of air. Instead, his hand kind of hit his neck, but all of his strength had left his body.

He made one final swipe at Bakugo's arm, finally looking up at his face. Instead of the intense rage he was expecting, Bakugo looked blank. Confused almost. But stubbornly confused.

I-don't-understand-And-I-dont-want-to confused.

The last thing he saw before he blacked out was Bakugo's body light up red and sparkly, like a Christmas light.


Bakugo looked down at the limb body in his hand, finally coming to his senses. He quickly dropped Kaminari, who slumped to the ground.

Bakugo frowned down at him, carefully eyeing the amber that glittered all over his body.

It looked just like Kirishima's.

Bakugo didn't know how to deal with this, so he compared it to what he deemed the closest thing.

When you committed a murder, you had two options.

The first one was to confess, talk about it with people, accept the consequences.

But Bakugo liked the way things were right now. He and Kirishima were completely happy as soulmates, he didn't need another one. So he deferred to the next option. He looked down at Kaminari's unconscious, shimmering body.

Hide the evidence.


Kaminari woke up in his bed. After a second of confusion, he sat straight up and his hand flew to his neck, checking for his choker. It wasn't there, and after taking a few more moments to regain his memories, he brought his knees to his chest and sighed.

He looked around and finally realising he was in his room.

Hadn't he passed out? Who'd found him?

Still feeling nervous about not having his choker on, he got out of bed and rummaged around in his dressers.

When he couldn't find a single shirt with a hood, or a long collar, he grunted with frustration.

Instead of continuing to search his room, he instead stepped to check himself in the mirror. Checking that the white patch in his neck was in fact still a white patch was another one of his nervous habits.

His heart nearly jumped out of his throat when he saw that his neck had been lit up with glittering stone.

He stood in front of his mirror, completely still.

"...what?!" He whispered to himself.

He stepped closer to the mirror, tracing the handprint that has been there for longer than he could remember. In doing so, he also saw in the mirror that his fingers were coloured in as well.

"Nonononono this cant be happening," he whispered in a panic. He turned around and was about to run through he door when a post it note caught his attention.

Don't you fucking think of leaving this room until they go away. Pretend you're still sick or some shit.

Kaminari backed away from the door, hitting his leg on his bed. He looked down at it, almost surprised, before sitting down again.

Bakugo. It just had to be Bakugo.

He rubbed his neck. It wasn't really a nervous action any more. He guessed it was just habit by now.

But for now, it was time to wait out his soulmarks.

Y'all I just wanna be a time lord so bad. I don't think you understand. Anyway um... hope you liked the chapter.

The Hands At My Throat - kiribakukami soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now