Emergency procedure

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For the first few seconds, Kaminari just stared as the rubble of the used-to-be cabin creaked and shifted into place. Then his brain kicked in.

He needed to get them out.

He immediately assessed the situation. Bakugo had been right behind the door, so he probably had space and could explode himself out of there. Same went for anyone close to the wall. So he had to go check in the middle first.

He rushed over to the rubble and started trying to lift the logs. And right on cue, he heard an explosion and splintering wood from behind him. He heaved at the piece of wood he was holding, but it refused to budge.

Another explosion, and he heard Bakugo's roar.


"I wasn't the one who blew up the goddamn building!" Kami yelled back in exasperation.

"Move out of the way!" Bakugo growled, then proceeded to prepare an explosion without even waiting for Kami to get out.

He scrambled away just in time, feeling the heat and force of Bakugo's explosion push him away slightly. He turned to see that Bakugo had managed to blow away the top layer of wood, and was about to blow up some more when something broke free from the inside.

"Dark shadow!" Kaminari called out. "Is everyone ok?"

Dark shadow just shrugged.

"I don't know, but I have quite a few people protected. We're getting Ururaka up so she can help do some of the heavy lifting."

Kaminari nodded, and stayed out of the way as Dark Shadow went back in to grab Ururaka.

"You, Kaminari, are absolutely useless," Bakugo said as he came over. "How are you ever going to be a good hero when you can't even save your friends?!"

Kaminari felt a pang in his chest. It wasn't like all this was his doing. Bakugo was the one who blew the place to the ground. And yet for some reason, he felt at fault, and Bakugo's words hit deeper than they should have.

"I'm sorry Bakugo, I tried," he mumbled.

"Trying doesn't help when you aren't good enough," the angry blond retorted, walking back into the ruins to help Ururaka climb out of the hole.

Something else was wrong, he knew it. Not everyone was protected by Dark Shadow. But he couldn't recall who, and he couldn't help, so he just wander over and sat down at the foot of a tree and watched, letting the stress eat away at him.

He watched as, one after the other, his classmates were slowly pulled out of the hole. Almost everyone was out, with Todoroki just clambering his way into the open when it hit him.


He immediately leapt to his feet in a panic and rushed over to the broken building.

Where had Kirishima been standing? They'd been near the entrance, but he'd accidentally kicked him in his panic which had pushed him over...

He traced where Kirishima should be under the wood, which was around about the front corner of the building.

"Bakugo!" He called out.

Bakugo sent a short glare his way, but then continued helping everyone out.

"Bakugo, don't ignore me! Come over here!"

This time Bakugo didn't even look his way. He just reached down and grabbed someone else's hand.

Kaminari yelled out in frustration. He couldn't do this himself, and no one else strong enough was going to help.

He aligned his back with one of the beams, then brought his legs up to another beam, his knees nearly touching his chest. Then he slowly started to straighten out his body, pushing the beams apart. He heard a cracking, which encouraged him to keep going. He was almost fully stretched out when Bakugo finally sauntered over.

"Oi dumbass, what're you doing," he growled, rolling his eyes.

"Kirishima's under here!" He grunted, his voice sounding forced because of all the physical exertion.


"I was trying Bakugo!" Kami exclaimed, hearing the exasperation in his voice. "You glared at me and looked the other way!"

Bakugo scowled, not admitting his mistake.

"Get out of the way, I'm gonna blow this thing up," he grumbled instead. Kami quickly gave up his fruitless efforts and scampered out of the way before he became a part of that explosion.

Within seconds, the large wooden logs had been smashed to smithereens, and Bakugo was clawing around in the wood chips for Kirishima.


Bakugo wanted to find his soulmate as soon as possible. But unfortunately, Kami found him first.

"Bakugo! Over here!" He called. Bakugo quickly stopped what he was doing and ran straight over. His eyes locked on Kirishima's unconscious body, and worry instantly took over, and Bakugo made a quick analysis of the situation.

Kirishima didn't look I'm too bad a shape, both his safety and his unconsciousness were probably due to him using his quirk to protect himself.

As Kaminari pulled him out of the rubble, Bakugo gave him a once over just in case. Then he felt a certain someone's eyes boring holes into his side.

"Oi, go make yourself useless somewhere else, dumbass," he growled, which resulted in Kaminari running off immediately.

Without prying eyes, he let his expression become a bit softer. He focused his attention on Kirishima's face, which had only suffered a small gash down the side of his cheek.

Bakugo reached his hand down to Kirishima's jaw, and traced his thumb over the gash. He couldn't help but feel guilty. This was his fault. Sure, shitty Pikachu has been annoying, but he was the one who blew the place up.

And now Kirishima was hurt because of it.

He allowed himself a few more seconds just to watch Kirishima, before he let out a huge huff and scooped he redhead up in his arms. As he stormed over to the others, he put his signature scowl back on.

"Bakugo!" Mina called when she spotted him. "Is Kiri ok?!"

Bakugo waited until she had run over before responding.

"He's unconscious, but I think he's fine. A bit banged up, but it could've been worse."

"That's good! Damn this has been a mess," Mina sighed, looking around at everyone. No one was majorly hurt, just scratches and splinters.

"You gotta stop blowing stuff up Bakubabe."


Kaminari sat and watched Aizawa take everyone through the emergency procedures. He didn't really listen to any of it, but he was watching.

Kirishima was ok, right? So why had the uneasy feeling not gone away? The building didn't stress him out like it used to, but then again, it could hardly be considered a building anymore.

But Kami still couldn't shake this terrible feeling that things were only going downhill from here.

The Hands At My Throat - kiribakukami soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now