Bakugo gets worried

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Meanwhile, Bakugo was busy blowing up the forest.

"WHY ARE THERE SO MANY OF THEM!" He screamed, while Midoriya raced around using one for all, and Todoroki held the creatures in place using his ice.

The clearing was now a battle ground. The surrounding forest was filled with large hound-like creatures, that were obviously something to do with someone's quirk.

"WHERE ARE THE GIRLS," he yelled, looking around while continuing to set off explosions.

"We need their help to fend these things off," Todoroki says.

"Tokoyami, you and dark shadow go find the girls." Mr Aizawa orders. "Midoriya come with me to find whoever's controlling these beasts, I need to cancel their quirk." Midoriya nods and follows after his teacher.

"Bakugo, don't let these creatures enclose any of you, you need the space to fight."

Bakugo nods, then sets off another explosion.

"Shit, where are those guys," he watches after Tokoyami making his way over to the track to find the others while subconsciously blowing up the beasts.

And at that exact moment, Kaminari bursts into the clearing, blood dripping everywhere. He searches around the clearing, until the two make eye contact.

"Bakugo!" He calls out, visibly shaking.

"He's about to fall unconscious!" Someone shouts.

Bakugo runs over just in time to hear a single name.

"Kirishima..." he gets out, before his eyes roll back into his head, and he crumpled into a heap on the ground.

"Take him into the dorm!" Bakugo barks. "Tokoyami I'm coming with you. Todoroki take over here."

Without another word, Bakugo starts running down the track, Tokoyami and dark shadow hot on his heels.

"You go help the girls, I'm going to find Kirishima," Bakugo yells at Tokoyami and Dark Shadow, and lets the two run in front.

"Dammit where are you shitty hair..." he mumbles to himself, searching through the bushes. He could be literally anywhere.

Then he realised that the blood on the ground is Kaminari's. He follows it. They were obviously together.

He runs after it, and every time he finds a beast lying dead on the side of the track, the blood thinned out. But the creatures were obviously dealt with by Dark Shadow, not Kaminari.

"How frantic were you to get to us..." Bakugo says out loud. Then the blood stops next to the crumpled body of a creature. And not far after that, the greenery and ground is scorched. Now that was Kaminari's quirk. He could actually see the end of his range, about 50 metres away. So Kaminari had been standing somewhere near the middle.

"SHITTY HAIR," Bakugo yelled, running into the burnt debris.


When he gets to about the middle, he sees one of the creatures, burnt to a crisp. But with blood on its talons.

"SHITTY HA-" suddenly, another creature comes out of the darkness and swipes it's large talons down across his chest and stomach. Luckily, he was able to jump back so that he only got deep scratches, and not disembowelled. He quickly dealt with the creature with a quick explosion to the face.


"Over here!" That wasn't Kirishima. That was Mina. Bakugo's head snapped in the direction the sound came from, and he burst into a sprint right towards it.


"Over here!" She repeated. He pushed through some bushes, revealing Kirishima sitting up, clearly still half unconscious. He's not wearing a shirt, the T-shirt and jumper both in shreds an discarded to the side as Mina tends to his wounds.

"Shitty hair... fuck you're alright."

Mina looks up at him in surprise.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Kaminari got to us completely covered in blood, then collapsed. I was... it was scary."

All he could think about was the look of relief Kaminari seemed to have when he saw Bakugo, before falling to the ground. Whatever happened to him... it was enough to make Bakugo a relief.

Mina's eyes widened when he said that.

"He left here completely fine! He was more worried about Kirishima than anything else. Kiri's actually pretty ok. I think Kaminari's electricity was what made him pass out. His quirk protected him from the worst of it, so he's alive. Unlike that dude," she says, nodding towards the dead creature.

Kirishima heavens himself to his feet, his arm now bound with strips of his old shirt. Bakugo steps forwards and wraps Kirishima in a hug.

"Fuck you scared me Shitty Hair," he mumbled into Kiri's shoulder. He feels Kirishima wrap his arms around Bakugo as well, and sighs in relief.

"C'mon, let's get going," Kiri says, cradling his arm close to him and walking back towards the path next to Bakugo.

"Uh, guys?" Mina calls from behind them.

"Can this wait until we're back Mina? I really wanna leave this forest."

Yeah, this can wait, Mina thought. If anything, she could rub it in their faces later on about how they didn't even notice.

They walk warily back up the track, knowing the creatures could be lurking in the bushes. But nothing attacked.

When they entered the clearing, a whole bunch of people rushed over to them. Somehow, the girls were back (probably something to do with Dark Shadow), and Mr Aizawa and Midoriya were back.

They each got drawn to the ground, so that the man and woman from before could treat their wounds with a medical kit the man had drawn from somewhere.

It was only when all the blood was cleaned away that one thing became apparent.

"Kirishima, is that your soulmark?"

All heads turned to Kirishima, where three long scratches down his chest were glittering Amber. His eyes widened with shock, and he looked towards his soulmate.

"Bakugo..." he said hesitantly, expecting the boy to jump up and start yelling about some sort of mistake.

But Bakugo just stared in shock straight back.

Hehe. I love writing Bakugo because I get to use words like 'grumbled' and 'growled' and 'scowled' and it's great. Anyway, hope you enjoyed! And I hope you didn't mind that the first few chapters weren't thaaaaaat shippy.
This is kinda a little a lot of a slow burn.

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