Friday back to school

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The next day, they had to go straight back to school.

"Aw man! And it's a Friday too!" Kirishima was complaining to Bakugo. "Couldn't they just let us take the day off?"

"You know what mr Aizawa's like," Bakugo replied, wrapping his arm around Kirishima's shoulder.

"Doesn't mean I wanna go."

"Well, were already here, so can't do anything about it now."

Bakugo swoops through the door, letting his arm trail off Kirishima's neck, and sauntering over to the other side of the room where his desk was. Kirishima grinned after him and went to his own desk.

"Hey Mina," Kirishima said, leaning towards her. "Where's Kami?"

She shrugged.

"I think he's staying at the dorms until the quirk wears off. It's getting worse by the day."

Kirishima nodded agreeingly. Kaminari had seemed more and more off as the days passed, so he couldn't exactly blame him.

Mr Aizawa came into the room carrying a fairly sized pile of papers.

"Iida, could you run today's work down to the dorms? Tell him he needs to do it instead of just lying around all day. And be quick." Mr Aizawa handed the papers to the class rep, who stood up and hurried out of the classroom, already turning on his engines.

"Everybody else, open your textbooks to page 325 so we can get started..."


Kaminari anxiously flipped through the maths textbook. He had one more worksheet to complete for the day, and then he was done. But he couldn't figure out a single bit of it.

He had been hoping that the textbook would help, but the truth was that he very heavily relied on Mr Aizawa's help during class to get through the activities.

He nervously fiddled with his choker, running his fingers underneath it.

With a sigh, he put down his pencil and gave up. School had already finished 30 minutes ago, and he'd heard a few of his neighbours arrive at their dorms.

But he was hungry, which was making his concentration drop even more. So, after checking the hallway outside his room, he  made his way down the stairs as quickly as he could.

He was just about to step into the appearingly empty foyer when he heard Kirishima's voice, near the elevator.

"Man! Mr Aizawa was so strict today! I mean I know we have work to catch up on after the trip but that was a bit harsh!"

"It wasn't that bad." It was Bakugo's grumbling voice that responded.

Kaminari's heart picked up the pace.

"You're just saying that because you're a nerd and you understand everything," Kirishima said, and Kaminari could hear the pout in his voice.

"Don't call me a nerd."

And that was Bakugo for you. Kirishima was his only soft spot. Anyone else had called him a nerd, and they would've been blown up on the spot.

It makes sense, Kaminari thought. They were soulmates after all.

The elevator dinged, the two boys stepped in, and the doors closed behind them again. Kaminari let our a sigh and finally stepped out of the stairwell.

Then he groaned. Of course he had to develop a crush on the one person who already had a-

"Gonna tell me what that was all about?"

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