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Kirishima feels a rough jolt on the bus, which wakes him up. He looks around at his surroundings, which he can somewhat recognise. He estimates they're probably about 10 minutes away from the dorms.

He sits up properly and stretches his neck to the side. It's really stiff from sitting in the same position for a couple of hours.

Bakugo told me to wake him up, he remembers.

He looks down at Bakugo, who's leaning on his shoulder, head buried in the crook of his neck. Kirishima feels his face get hot at the realisation, and covers his face with his hands from embarrassment, even though he knows no one's watching.

"Cmon Bakugo, wake up," he mumbles, gently nudging Bakugo with his shoulder.

Bakugo groans and starts to pull away, and Kirishima can feel the noticeable difference between Bakugo's body heat and the cool air.

Bakugo sits up and yawns before stretching his arms in front of him, his biceps and back muscles flexing.

Kirishima scolds himself for noticing.

Bakugo rubs at his eyes with the palm of his hands, the looks lazily towards Kirishima.

"I feel like shit," he groans.

Kirishima can't help but laugh, but he also nods in agreement.

"Me too man. Sleeping for 4 hours was not the smart move, I feel like trash."

"You fell asleep too?" Bakugo asked questioningly, and although his voice was still harsh, his groggy state had removed most of the scorn that usually resided in his voice.

"Ah, Yeah," Kirishima responded, realising that he had just inferred that he had slept on Bakugo, since he had the aisle seat.

Which was what happened, but Bakugo didn't need to know that.

Bakugo inspected Kirishima, as if trying to figure something out, before giving up and sighing.

"Whatever. I don't have the energy, can you ask people what they want for dinner? I feel like having good food tonight."

Kirishima nodded, then spread the message to the surrounding seats, so that they could pass the message further down the bus.

Excited chattering fills the bus. Everyone gets excited when Bakugo cooks, he's the best cook in the dorms.

As Kirishima predicted, within 10 minutes the bus came to a stop in front of their dorms.

"Man, it isn't quite home but right now it sure is close enough," Kirishima hears Kami say from the front of the bus. He and Sero are the first through the doors.

"Oi, forget about them," Bakugo says, dragging Kirishima's eyes away from Kaminari. "He'll get better again and everything will go back to normal. Now stop worrying about dumb shit. Stressed doesn't suit you."

Kiri realised that his face had been furrowed, and he tried to relax it. He looked up at his - friend? Boyfriend? Soulmate - and smiled. He was trying to be comforting in his own special way. Kiri would help him get better at that.

"You're right Bakugo," he said, giving him a thankful nudge with his shoulder, before heading down the bus with the rest of the class.

"I'm always right," Bakugo mumbled, and followed not far after.


Kaminari flopped onto his own bed in his own dorm room with a relieved sigh. He'd already locked the door behind him, and the plan was not to see anyone until all of this was over.

He rolled over onto his back with a groan, then off the bed. He had to unpack his bag, and the sooner he did it the sooner he didn't have to do it anymore.

It was good being in his dorm room. It was peaceful, quiet, and most of all empty. He hadn't had a moment to himself since being hit with the quirk, and he almost fell asleep because he hadn't been able to relax in days.

But he got off the floor and started packing his stuff up. He finished relatively quickly, and when someone knocked on his door an hour later, he was just sitting on his phone.

"Are you coming down for lunch Kami?" It was Mina.

That's right, Kaminari remembered. Bakugo said he was gonna cook.

There wasn't enough time to weigh the options, so he replied as vaguely as possible.

"Uhh, I might come down in a bit."

"Ok, see you then," Mina said, before adding, "he's cooking katsudon."

That makes the decision harder. Kaminari was planning on just waiting it out in his room, but Bakugo makes really good katsudon. It just wasn't the same cold.

Scolding himself for having a weak will, Kaminari got off his bed and mentally prepared to go downstairs.


Bakugo was serving up the food with a smug grin. He was the best cook and everyone sure as hell knew it. Not one person had passed up on the lunch, and they'd sure as hell be coming back for seconds. And as a bonus, letting Kirishima help had cheered him up considerably.

He didn't usually let others interfere with his cooking process, but he wasn't about to tell Kirishima that the way the vegetables were cut didn't really make a difference in the end.

His grin became even smugger when he saw Kaminari come downstairs about 5 minutes later. Even him and his fricken fear quirk couldn't stay away.

He served himself and went over to the couches, when he plopped down next to Kirishima, putting one of his arms along the back of the couch.

They were happily chatting away, when all of a sudden he sensed a drop of mood from Kiri beside him. He followed his gaze across the room to the stairs, where Kaminari was about to disappear away. But just before he did, he saw the glare that had been directed at Kirishima shift to him. Bakugo kept eye contact with Kaminari, watching with just as sharp a gaze until he disappeared into the staircase.

"He'll be fine," he said, looking at Kirishima and seeing his hurt expression.

"He should be thanking us, we cooked the damn fucking food that he's about to eat," he continued, scowling.

Instead of responding, Kirishima just leant further down into the couch, grabbing Bakugo's arm, bringing it down with him so that it was resting around his shoulder.

Bakugo thought he was just gonna silk until he grabbed his other hand as well.

"Can you show your soulmarks?" He asked quietly.

"Uh, sure."

He didn't quite know what he was doing, but simply thinking about it seemed to work.

He saw his arms and hands light up with shining red, which Kirishima seemed to drink up with his eyes. He traced over them with his fingers, seemingly in awe.

Bakugo cleared his throat.

"Can I um, see yours too?" He asked.

Kirishima's look of awe turned into a sly grin.

"I mean, they're all under my shirt, but you can later if you want? When there aren't people everywhere?"

Bakugo groaned in embarrassment, scolding himself for not remembering that particular piece of information.

Sorry this chapter took so long. But it's here now, and I'm hoping to get some really plot going in the next couple of chapters >:). Be ready.

The Hands At My Throat - kiribakukami soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now