The bus ride home

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"Well, as some of you may have guessed, or probably none of you would have guessed, due to the destruction of my cabin, following the villain attack on this campsite we have been... kicked out."

It's the next morning, and Mr Aizawa had gathered the class, with the message that he had an announcement to make.

The class burst into chatter, so Aizawa just sighed and waited for them to stop. They slowly realised what he was doing, and the noise died down.

"As I was saying, the bus will be here in about an hour, so you need to pack up your stuff and be ready to go."

The class nodded, and started to head back to their cabins. Denki glances at Mina and groaned. She rolled her eyes.

"Stop being a wuss and go pack your stuff up. If it's that bad, get Sero to do it or something."

Kaminari spun on his heel and grinned at his other friend.

"Serooooo! My mate! My best friend! My favourite person!" Kami preached.

"What do you want..?" He asked cautiously.

"Could you pack my bag for me?" He asked, batting his eyelashes like a desperate maiden.

Sero sighed and started walking towards the boys cabin.

"You owe me first priority in phone charging for a month!"

"Deal!" Kami called after him, silently thanking the gods above that Sero agreed. While he waited for everyone to be finished, he sat down under a tree.

The girls came out first, somehow finishing miles before any of the boys, even Bakugo. Kami suspected that Bakugo was waiting for Kiri.

When the boys finally came out, Sero indicated back towards the cabin. Kami nodded in understanding. He'd packed it, but he wasn't gonna carry the damn thing.

So, seeing that Kiri and Bakugo we're both out now, he rushed into the boys cabin and over to his bunk. His bag was on the bottom bed, zipped up, with Mina's book sitting on top. He grabbed the bag and the book and rushed out again, only just catching the class as they started down the path. Thankfully, Sero was waiting for him, and the two of them went last.

"That thing still not getting any better?" He asked tentatively. Kaminari shook his head.

"It's kinda getting worse," he responded. "Hopefully it's one of those things where it gets really bad and then just drops off all of a sudden."

Sero nodded, and didn't ask any further on that topic.

"So how's the romance novel going?" He asked, grinning cheekily.

"It's actually kinda good," Kami replied, "you can read it for the ride back if you want, your phone ran out of battery right?" At least then he couldn't mock Kaminari for reading it.

"Nah dude, we have a deal, your charging my phone remember?"

Damn it. Well, he tried.

"Yeah yeah whatever, where's your charger." Sero was digging through his bag and about to hand it to Kami when they heard a sound that could only be described as the earth shifting.

"And stay out!" They heard the female camper yell, and turned to see a wall of foliage and leaves blocking the path they had just walked down.

Kaminari laughed, turning away from the campsite again.

"Wow, feisty much?" He mocked.

"She was acting so nice before, almost had me fooled she was a good person," Sero added, and the two of them cackled as they hurried down the path towards the rest of the class.

Not long after, the pay began to widen, and eventually the forest opened up completely, revealing a bus waiting for them, engine grumbling in anticipation.

"Hurry up you two!" Aizawa growled, and they quickly dumped their bags into a compartment under the bus and hopped on.

"Do that again and we'll leave you behind next time," he grumbled, as the doors closed behind him and the bus took off. The two took their seats, and Kaminari flipped open his book, and Sero handed him one end of the charger, so they settled in for the rest of the bus ride.


Kirishima pulled out his phone, checking for any notifications he might have missed over the past couple of days. He saw the one from Mina. He grinned wickedly, glancing at Bakugo who was seated next to him, and set his favourite photo as the lock screen, before shutting off his phone.

It didn't take long for Bakugo to notice.

"What's that look for," he growled.

Kirishima kept grinning.


Bakugo's scowl deepened.

"I swear! I didn't do anything!" He insisted, nudging Bakugo with his elbow."

Bakugo stilled looked suspicious, but he decided to give it up.

"Whatever, I'll find out eventually," he sighed, before slouching down in his seat and leaning slightly into Kirishima.

"I'm going to sleep. Wake me up when you recognise the roads around UA," he ordered, before closing his eyes.

Kirishima tried his best not let the happy butterflies get the best of him, and he pulled out the book Mina leant him. She'd taken back the magazine from last time and given him the book she'd been reading. It was a normal action-adventure book.

She couldn't have given this book to one of us last time? He thought. But he came to the conclusion that she found their discomfort entertaining.

He opened it and starts to read the first chapter, but he finds that he has to keep re-reading sentences, because the pressure of Bakugo on his side and his quiet breathing is making it incredibly difficult to concentrate.


Mina packs her magazine away in her bag, having it finished it relatively quickly, before the halfway mark in their bus trip (don't come for me, I have no idea how long it takes to read a magazine).

She looks around, hoping that maybe Kaminari is finished with 'the gay book' as he called it. She had to admit, she was kinda disappointed when his squirming of discomfort at reading a romance didn't last very long, but at the same time, she had so many titles to recommend for him.

But instead of catching sparky's eye, she sees something else, sitting in a seat a little behind her and across the aisle.

Bakugo and Kirishima have both fallen asleep, Bakugo seated sideways, feet against the side of the bus and head on Kirishima's shoulder, and Kirishima's head resting on Bakugo's.

A grin steadily creeps onto her face as she slowly pulls out her phone. It only had 3% battery left, but that was enough. She aims the camera towards them and quickly captures a few photos, before slowly putting her phone back in her backpack.

They would never know.

The Hands At My Throat - kiribakukami soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now