The thing

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"Soo? How are you and Bakugo going?" Mina teased on the walk back to camp.

Kirishima looked at the ground.

"Well, he asked me out," he said indifferently.

"REALLY? Where are you going?!" She asked excitedly.

"We're not," Kirishima says, picking up his pace.

"Huh? What do you mean you're not?" She jogs to catch up with him.

"I turned him down."

Mina grabs his arm, pulling him to a stop.

"You turned him down?! What kind of idiot turns down their soulmate?!"

"This idiot," Kirishima growls. "He just did it out of pity anyway." He starts walking again.

"Kiri," Mina says, forcing him to roll his eyes and stop again.

"When was the last time Bakugo ever did anything out of pity?"

Kirishima tried to think of a time, but it was true that Bakugo did barely anything out of pity.

"This morning, when he asked me out," he replied drily.

Mina gave him a look.

"Ok then, I'll make a deal with you. If Bakugo does the thing, you have to go apologise and take him up on his date. If he doesn't do the thing, then I'll never bother you about it ever again."

Kirishima knew what Mina was talking about. 'The thing' was the way Bakugo acted whenever he was upset. He would get more placid, agreeable, but would become more controlling around the preparation of meals. He wouldn't talk to anyone when possible, and would spend most of his time in his room.

Kirishima had only seen Bakugo do 'the thing' twice in their entire friendship, once when he failed the provisional licence exam, which wasn't even that bad, and the second time when he got kidnapped and All Might retired.

"Ok, deal."

Bakugo wasn't upset. He was probably more relieved. Kiri knew that Bakugo didn't want anything to interrupt his path to the top.

Every time Kirishima thought of it, anger and sadness would take their turns to wash over him.

But that was just his luck.

I'll survive, he thinks.


Can I just say, y'all remember that book Kami was reading on the bus? I definitely absolutely did not think up an entire story line for it. Nope. Not at all. Me? Never.

Enjoy Kaminari's thoughts on said book.


Kaminari rolled over on his top bunk and groaned. As much as he just wanted to sleep the time away, being unconscious for an entire day did wonders for his fatigue.

"What to do, what to do," He mumbles to himself.

Then he remembers Mina's book, still in his bag from the bus ride. He leans and hangs off the edge of his bed, stretching and grabbing the book off the floor (he really said I am length).

As much as they laughed about it being a romance, it wasn't hard bad.

So far, the girl didn't have a soul mark, and had been devestated ever since she found out. She's now in her late 20s, when everyone around her has either found and settled down with their soulmates, or gone searching for them.

The main character didn't have any real drive in life.

And then comes the hot man who doesn't care about what his soulmarks say and want her, yada yada. Personally Kami didn't like him that much.

And now they were getting married. The main character was so desperate for a chance at love that she'd rushed into things. Kami thought it was sad that she felt that she needed a soulmate to complete her, especially because the writing of the book portrayed that she didn't even really like this man.

So she's getting married that day, and she goes to the hairdresser to get her lovely, pure white hair done all nicely.

But when the pretty hairdresser girl goes to plait her hair-


Kaminari jolted out of his reading haze, and scrambled around for something to grab onto before he fell off the bunk. Unfortunately, he didn't find why he was looking for, and fell to the floor with an oof, dropping his book in the process.

"Oi, you ok? Apparently you're resting, but you don't really look like it."

"I was resting. I can rest and be awake!" He replies to Bakugo, shaking himself out of his unbalanced daze.

Wait, Bakugo? He thought with a start.

All of a sudden, an image flashed through his mind. Two pairs of burning red eyes, staring at him. A snarl, furled eyebrows.

A wave of panic flew over him and he got off the ground and ran as fast as he could to the end of the cabin, where he stood, shaking and trying to calm himself down.

"That man was serious huh? You look pretty shaken, extra. Sure you wanna be reading instead of resting?" Bakugo waves the book.

"Yeah- I'm fine," Kaminari rushed out. From this distance he could begin to calm down.

He just couldn't understand what he was trying to calm down from.

Sure, Bakugo was scary, but he'd never made Kaminari react like this. In fact, nothing had.

"Mr Aizawa said that if you need to stay in his cabin, you can. If the analysis on the man's quirk was right, your gonna be touchy like this for about a week, and around quite a few people."

Bakugo flopped onto his bunk bed, which creaked under his weight, putting his arms behind his head.

"You just gonna stand and stare? Leave if you're uncomfortable. Jesus Christ it's not that hard to walk."

Before he could change his mind, Kaminari sprinted down the cabin, picking up the book as his heart picked up the pace, and letting out a sigh of relief as he reached the door.

He made his way over to the group in the kitchen, where a knife and some vegetables where forced upon him, and he began to chop next to Mina.

"So, how was your 'rest'," she asked with a laugh.

"It was great! Also did you know your book is gay?"

She looked at him ridiculously.

"Kami, that's like the whole point," she responded, handing him an onion to cut.

He glared at the onion before starting, daring it to make him cry.

"What was Bakugo like? He was all angry looking storming over to the cabin. I don't know how Mr Aizawa let's him get away with not participating in dinner."

"Oh. Bakugo..? He was... I don't know, he was fine I guess." He had to think about it a bit.

"Oh wait, no, he was doing the thing. You know when he gets all nice and his eyes go all dull?"

"His eyes go dull?" Mina asked.

"Yeah, you know, all sad looking. I wonder what's made him upset."

"Haven't you heard yet?" Mina looked up from her board in surprise.

"Him and Kiri are soulmates!"

That is all.

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