The next morning

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"Oi, Kiri, wake up."

Kirishima groans and rolls over on his bed, turning his head to face away from the wall, before opening his eyes.

"G'morning to you too Bakubro," he rolls his eyes, voice crackling.

Bakugo just rolls his eyes in return.

"Just get up. Breakfast is being prepared, and people are gonna be pissed if you just walk in when it's done without helping."

Instead of responding, Kirishima stretches, letting out another groan that turns into a yawn.

"Yeah yeah, I'm coming." He jumps off the edge of the bed, causing the wood to creek, and then starts getting changed, before noticing someone's presence.

"You just gonna sit there and watch?" He asks playfully, watching Bakugo's face bloom red.

"I'll be out soon, you can go ahead," he says, even though Bakugo was already storming out of the cabin, looking down at the ground to hide the blush that Kiri had already seen.

It's not like they hadn't seen each other getting changed before. Bakugo had probably just slipped back into the habit of simply waiting until they were finished. But due to recent developments, it was suddenly much different. In a way that Kiri could tease Bakugo for, in a way that would actually cause Bakugo to become embarrassed.

If Kirishima still had any doubts that Bakugo could actually like him in that way, they were all erased with that one action.

Bakugo had a crush on him.

One of the funny thing about soulmates was that, even though you had a set person who would be perfect for you, you could still develop romantic feelings for someone who wasn't determined as your soulmate. These feelings were called crushes. It was kind of like, if you met someone who had a really similar personality to your soulmate, your brain would mistake them, and you'd develop a crush. Most people just kept them hidden, although there were those people that you saw on the news who thought soulmates were dumb, and would date people who weren't their soulmates.

The whole thing was rather complicated, but basically, romantic feelings don't develop overnight. Which meant that before this, Bakugo had had a crush on him.

Bakugo had a crush on him.

He couldn't even say anything, and he just watched Bakugo slam the door behind him.

Instead of reacting to this new information like a normal person, Kirishima instead burst into laughter, by himself in the cabin.

Bakugo was certainly pretty good at keeping secrets.

He quickly got changed before rushing outside.

"Hey!" He calls, "where do you want me to help!"

"I think Tsu needs some help with the eggs," Todoroki says in his monotone, not even looking up from his chopping board.

"Cool, thanks bro!"

They finished up cooking, and everyone served themselves for breakfast. Kirishima grabbed his meal and went to sit next to Bakugo.

The entire class was engaged in a discussion on what was gonna happen that day, when Kirishima noticed that Bakugo had shuffled a little bit closer to him.

"Aw, just can't keep away from me can you Bakubro?"

Bakugo sneers, turning pink.

"I can go sit somewhere else if your gonna be like this," he growls, baring his teeth.

The Hands At My Throat - kiribakukami soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now