The attack

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The boys walk out of their cabin to find the girls already waiting.

"So, what's the whole deal with this 'find your food' thing huh?" Bakugo scowls at the man and woman.

"It's your first task! You all need to work together to find your dinner, and then you need to cook it as well! The only hint I'll give you is that you should probably check your dorms got clues. Your teachers dorm is off limits! Have fun!"

And with that, the man puts is hand on the lady's shoulder, and they both vanish into thin air.

"Right, well, I'm going to put a jumper on first, because it's gonna get cold tonight," Kami announces, marching right back into the boys dorm.

Everyone retreats into their own dorms, and everyone starts searching.

"I'll look under the bed," Sero offers in the boys dorms.

"I'll check the mattresses," Kirishima adds.

Eventually everyone has something that they're searching through, until Mina pops her head through the door.

"Uhh boys? Bad news." The cabin gives her their undivided attention.

"I don't think it's find the food. I think it's fine your own food," she says, waving a small book through the doorway. Bakugo snatches it out of her hand and flicks through it as everyone crowds around him, before groaning.

"How in the damn hell are we supposed to find any of these!" He shouts, shoving the book at the nearest person, which just happened to be Kaminari. He flicks through it considerably slower.

"Hey, I actually remember seeing these along the track here," he says, pointing to a plant labelled as edible in the book.

"And I think I saw some of the other ones as well," Kirishima says.

"Then go get them dumbasses!!"

The two boys hurry out of the cabin to find Mina and the girls there.

"Kami, Kiri! Did you recognise any of the plants?!" Mina asks.

"Uhh, Yeah there were two of them that we remembered seeing."

"Great! We could recognise about 6 or 7, but we thought the boys might know some as well. Could you get koda as well? And tell them to light a fire while we're all gone."

They just stare at her blankly.

"Well go on! Get going! If you take too long we'll run out of daylight!"

They hurry back to the boys cabin to relay her order.

"It's literally half past twelve and Mina thinks we could run out of daylight. How long is this gonna take?!" Kaminari complains to Kiri.

"A while, apparently."

They grab koda, and the other boys follow them out to start setting up the campsite and fire.

"Alright, let's go!" Mina beckons the towards the track.

"The other girls left already! Come on!"

The three boys hurry over to Mina.

"Ok, look around for any of the plants. I've got the book here."

As they walk along the track, Mina offers to go ahead with koda to try and find some animals that could help them with edible plants, while Kiri and Kami stay behind and look through the foliage more thoroughly, and they agree.

"Here's a basket that momo made, use it to carry anything to you find."

So then it's just the two of them. The first plant they find, they almost rip the whole thing straight of the ground in excitement.

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