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Escaping detention quickly became a regular thing.

It was pretty easy, considering the fact that Mr Aizawa disappeared into seemingly nowhere the second they were locked inside the classroom.

So Kaminari would hop up into the vent, come out through the classroom, and swing by the doorway. Then he did whatever dramatic scene he could think of.

"M'lady," he said seductively, bowing down and holding his hand through the barrier.

Bakugo gave him a blank look, before deciding to comment.

"No wonder no one wants to date you," he said.

Not so seductively then.

But he took Kaminari's hand regardless, and Kami got to grin as he pulled him through the barrier.

They walked silently for the most part. They had silently agreed that theyd take turns choosing where they'd go during their time together, so today was Kaminari's turn.

Bakugo glanced at him suspiciously when Kaminari stopped at a bus stop and sat down.

"Are we gonna make it back in time?" He asked.

Kaminari waved him off.

"Of course we are. It's only a 10 minutes bus ride, and the bus gets here in 3 minutes. We're fine."

Bakugo didn't look convinced, but he kept his mouth shut. Kaminari decided to break the silence.

"So, what does Kirishima think of our little trips? Probably thinks it's good for you to get out and about a bit, Huh?"

He asked a little because he was actually wondering, a little because he hoped he was a big enough threat for Kirishima to even care that they were hanging out alone all the time and a little because he'd barely seen Kiri recently. It seemed like they were always in at different times.

He tried to ignore the thought of Kiri being jealous, because nothing is threatening to the relationship between soulmates.

"Uhhh, Ei doesn't actually know."

Kaminari made a surprised noise, and looked up at Bakugo, who had opted out of sitting on the bench and was leaning against the wall.

"Don't look at me like that," he chided. "If he knew, he'd tell everyone else and then Aizawa would find out. Then there would be a barrier in the vent."

That made sense, but still. Wouldn't Bakugo tell Kirishima anyway? It's not like he was particularly enthusiastic about these trips. He wouldn't be losing much if they were stuck in detention again.

Kaminari could sense there was another factor at play, but he knew he was too dumb to pick up on it.

"Ok," he said instead, resuming the incredibly stimulating activity of peering down the road for the bus.

"Ah, he we go!" He said when he saw it approaching. He stood up, anticipating its arrival, and avoided looming Bakugo in the eye as he stepped on and payed the fare.


Bakugo wasn't sure what he was expecting, but it certainly wasn't a bakery.

They walked in, and the bell ringed. The entire building smelled like warm, fresh bread. It was nice.

Kaminari was peering through the glass cabinets before he heard the clacking of someone's shoes against the tiles, and he looked up and grinned.

"Hey Sheila!" He greeted the larger lady across the bench, who Bakugo noticed was grinning back just as warmly.

"Mister Denki Kaminari! We haven't seen you here for ages!" She exclaimed, voice rich and jolly. "And who's the boyfriend?" She asked, sending him a wink.

"Ugh, I wish," Kaminari rolled his eyes, but was still grinning. "This hunk of a man is Bakugo, and he's taken by somebody else," he continued, elbowing Bakugo in the side.

"Oh, such an unfortunate event. What can I do for you to make you feel better."

Bakugo was but a spectator to this strange exchange, and would have been highly entertained by the whole dramatic ordeal if he could keep up with all the flirting was going on.

Kaminari was going on to the lady about past affairs he hadn't heard of, and hot people he'd never had a chance with.

Bakugo couldn't tell whether they were both being honest or playing some sort of role-playing game.

Eventually, they got to actually buying something, and Kaminari turned to Bakugo.

"What do you want?" He asked, still playing the game, and bowing as if he were royalty.

"Uhhh, I'll just have a finger bun."

Bakugo watched as Kaminari stifled a laugh, and turned back to the lady.

"The master would like a finger bun. Would that be possible, lady chef?"

"Of course Sir Denki. One iced donut, and one finger bun, coming right up!"

Once they got their food and sat down at a table, Bakugo finally spoke up.

"You're fucking weird."

Kaminari just nodded.

Bakugo couldn't even be mad. They'd seemed so comfortable with each other that he'd felt like the out of place one, even though the two of them were obviously nut jobs.

"My family used to come here a lot. I thought since you took me to that cafe a few days ago, I might as well take you here."

Yesterday, when they'd gone to sit in a park, Bakugo had let his mouth run away from him and accidentally let it slip about his family really liking that cafe. He wasn't sure if he regretted it yet or not. He'd decide when he got the finger bun.

"Where's the food anyway? Wouldn't she just grab it out of the cabinets and hand it to us?"

Kaminari laughed.

"Weren't you listening? She's got some batches that are due to come out in 5 minutes or so, so we'll get some from the fresh batch. Perks of being a favourite customer," he explained, that stupid grin plastered to his face.

That was weird.

"You're being weird."

"Huh? What do you mean?" That stupid grin was still there, which only confirmed Bakugo's suspicions.

"You're being to smiley. You're much more expressive than that. You're not like Kirishima, you talk like an overexcited anime character."

"Huh? How the- why do you know that?" Kaminari asked, slightly taken aback.

"What, you think I don't listen to any of the shit you say?"

Kaminari raised an eyebrow.

"Uhhh, yeah I kinda figured that much."

"Oh yeah, because I'd come along to these shitty outings just do zone out and do the exact same thing that I could do in detention."

Kaminari grinned.

"Again, sounds like something you would do. Too proud to admit you'd rather writhe in your emotions than actually build a friendship."

It was at that point that- Shelly? Shiena? - brought out their food.

As annoying as it was that there were fucking rainbow sprinkles on his finger bun, he had to admit, it was pretty good.

Kaminari went back to normal after that, talking stories about all the times Sheila - that was her name - had told him over the years, so Bakugo had no way to bring his odd behaviour back up. So he dropped it.

It wasn't like he even cared, right?

The Hands At My Throat - kiribakukami soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now