Episode 12: Goodbye (FINALE)

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"I think me and Rani should break up," Kion said.

Bunga was in shock, and his facial expression showed it. The second he was able to process the words that Kion said, he began to question. "What do you mean you want to break up with Rani?"

Kion noticed the surprised expression his best friend had, he sighed before continuing. "Because I don't think this relationship is going to work out. We constantly fight every five minutes whenever we're together. I'm just miserable, and I know that she is too. I..... I just want this pain to stop."

Bunga sat down to think. Although he wasn't the smartest animal in the Pridelands, he was still able to understand Kion's reasoning. "Will we go back to the Pridelands?"

Kion thought about Bunga's question. After the incident with Shomari, who knows what other threat could attempt to take the Tree of Life. Either way, it was clear that Vitani's guard was doing an excellent job to protect the Pridelands so there wasn't a reason to be the Lion guard again. "Maybe, we'll see."

Kion walked back to Pride Rock and ran into Rani. His heart sank, and he felt a sense of dread, it was either him or Rani that was going to spark up another argument. "Hey, can we talk?"

Kion was a bit surprised by this but decided not to think much about it. "Um sure, what do you need."

Rani sat down and faced Kion. "Look, it's clear that we're both unhappy about this relationship, so I think that we should end it."

Kion nodded. "I understand, and I agree."

Rani nodded back. "Thank you, will you stay at the tree of life?"

"Maybe, if animals like Shomari exist, then there must be more of them out there."

"Alright, but when do you think we should tell your family?"

"Right now seems like a good time." Kion and Rani stood up and both of them walked back to pride Rock, not saying another word to each other, leaving only the sound of the wind and birds chirping off in the distance.

The Dark Grey rain clouds moved in over the Pridelands. They covered the Sun and thunder could be heard, indicating that this storm was going to be brutal. Kion and Rani walked to the base of Pride Rock, where Simba and the rest of the Royal family awaited them, along with the Night Pride and lion Guard. Kion and Rani looked at each other and nodded. Kion took in a deep breath, feeling the cool breeze blow against his fur, sending a small chill down his spine. Both teenagers however were ready to announce their breakup, even though there was the possibility of backlash, it was better than being forced to be together in an unhappy relationship

Kion opened his mouth, prepared to grab everyone's attention so he could announce the breakup, however another voice spoke up before he could. "HAPANA!" Ono squawked before Kion and Rani could speak.

Kion quickly brushed away his current task. "What is it Ono?" Kion asked.

"LOOK!" Ono pointed his wing over towards the grazing grounds. Everyone looked to where the Egret pointed, and they were greeted with the view of a fiery explosion going off. Kion and the Night Pride, along with Vitani's guard ran off to see what was going on.

Kion and Vitani's guard cautiously paced through the fiery fields, looking to see what could have cause such damage. Suddenly another explosion went off, knocking everyone onto their backs.

Everyone looked up and from the thick clouds of smoke that covered the fields, emerged a group of Lion, however there was something off about them. They glowed a crimson orange, small little flames were covering their body, yet they didn't seem to be in pain, and their eyes glowed a bright yellow.

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