Episode 5: Return of the Prince

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A young lion cub, with a small brown mane made his way towards the edge of the Outlands. He always looked forward to that time of day, and this time, he was going to tell her. Kopa walked through with a smile on his face, but he didn't see her, she was nowhere to be seen. He looked around for a bit and she was nowhere to be seen. But then, an older lioness approached her,"hello Prince Kopa,"the cub turned around and saw Zira walk up to him. A shiver went down his spine, and his hearts started to race,"don't be afraid young Prince, It will be over soon,"She then lunged at the young, and defenseless cub.

"Kiara, have you seen Kopa,"Simba asked the young and small cub. but she shrugged. It was going to rain very soon, and Kopa wasn't home. Simba became worried and soon, he lead a search party in an attempt to find him. They searched for a while, and then he picked up his scent. Simba ran where the scent led him, then he pickled up the smell of blood. He became worried, but he told himself it was going to be alright. After a bit, the scent got stronger, he continued to follow the scent until he saw something fluffy laying on the ground. He walked up and saw his son, laying there lifelessly and covered in blood. Tears formed around his face as he held Kopa's body in his paws,"Kopa, no," Nala walked next to him and she also began to cry at the sight of her son. The rain started, and it began to pour, so they were forced to go back to Pride Rock for shelter.

"No, it can't be you,"Simba said, his eyes were filling with tears as he remembered the memories, the day that he lost Kopa,"are you really my son,"Nala said as she walked up and faced Kopa,"of course I am,"Kopa took notice of Kiara and chuckled to himself,"well you have grown a lot sis, sorry I couldn't clean your part of the den,"an expression of shock formed on Simba and Nala's face, they remembered when Kopa was a cub, that he and Kiara made a deal so Kopa cleaned her area of the den,"it is you,"Simba said. Kopa laughed to himself,"really, you couldn't recognize your own son," Nala hugged Kopa and cried,"of course we would,"Kovu walked up to the Brown-Maned Lion,"hold on, does this mean that he is future King," Kiara walked next to her mate,"nah, I can tell that Kiara has trained her whole life for this, she earned it,"Kiara smiled at her brother,"I can't believe I forgot about you,"

"you could barley talk, so I wouldn't be suprised if you forgot about me,"Simba hugged his son and ruffled his mane,"I'm just glad that I could have my son once again,"Kopa smiled at his father,"thanks dad, im sure I missed a lot, who are you, Kiara's boyfriend,"Kovu chuckled,"if you must know, yes I am dating your sister,"

"in that case, dont do anything stupid,"both Brother-in-laws chuckled."also Kopa, you have a younger brother,"Kiara told Kopa,"where is he, exactly," Kopa knew that he missed a lot, so having a little brother wasn't too much of a surprise,"he is king of the Tree of Life,"Kopa was shocked,"really, a king, what did he do, charm the queen,"Kiara laughed,"obviously he did," Kopa's happy expression turned into a sad once once he realized that his siblings had already found someone, and everyone noticed it,"what's wrong,"Simba asked,"where's Vitani,"

Vitani was in the Lion Guard den, patrol was over for the day, and now she had alone time. She was able to readjust to living in the Pridelands, but she wasn't truly happy, she still remembered that day she was supposed to meet up with Kopa, but her mother found out that she was hanging out with Kopa, so she was grounded that day. And on that day, it was when she found out that he was killed. She cried for days, not knowing what to do about it. That was mainly one of the reasons why she grew up to be a cold and stern lioness, she was missing the one that could truly make her happy. Tears formed lightly on her face as she remembered those memories. She just wished she could have told him. She then heard footsteps approaching, so she quickly wiped away her tears and turned around and saw a lion standing there, she didn't recognize him,"who are you,"she said in a stern tone. The lion chuckled to himself,"you have changed, haven't you 'Tani," Vitani was confused,"who are you, and how do you know who I am,"

"don't you recognize me, we would sneak away to play together, and we met up by that tree on the boarder,"Vitani calmed down and she walked up to the lion,"Kopa, is it you,"Vitani was on the verge of tears, and Kopa saw it,"yes, it's me,"Vitani went in and hugged Kopa,"YOUR ALIVE,"she said as she rested her head on him and cried. Kopa smiled at her and he pulled away from their embrace and looked at her,"look, 'Tani, there has been something on my mind for a long time, something that I have been wanting to tell you for a long time,I................................I love you Vitani, even when I didn't want to admit it, I always knew that I loved you and that you are not like any other lioness I have ever met,"Vitani froze and processed what he said to her. She smiled at him and pressed her muzzle against his and kissed. Kopa was taken off guard by what she did, but he didn't resist it. Both lions pulled away from their kiss and smiled at each other,"I love you Kopa, it was actually what I wanted to tell you on the day you......died,"Kopa nuzzled Vitani,"I'm sorry I left, I should have stayed but Zira,.......I was afraid if I returned, that she would hurt you or my family, so I ran away to protect you,"Vitani rested against Kopa and smiled at him,"it's alright, you did it for me,"Kopa looked at Vitani and smiled, he was finally home.

FINALLY, I get to use my Kopa's death intro for this episode. But this one also had more emotional impact than my what if season finale episodes, mainly because I added more detail to his story. But I also used concepts for Kopa's story and used them in here. But remember to vote and tell me what you think in the comments.

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